আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


CRP Invitation 10th Jun 2007 Westpark and Appeal to Save CRP

তবুও জীবন যাচ্ছে কেটে জীবনের নিয়মে।

গতকাল গ্রুপ মেইলে এক সিনিয়র ভাইয়ের মেইলটি পেলাম। যিনি মেইলটি করেছেন উনাকে ব্যক্তিগতভাবে জানি। উনিও হয়ত কোন ভাবে জড়িত। রাতে হয়ত উনার সাথে আলাপ করব উনাদের প্লান সম্পর্কে।

সাথে সাথে আমার পরিচিত এখানের তিনটি স্টুডেন্ট গ্রুপে ইংরেজি আবেদনপত্র এবং সাক্ষরের জন্য লিংক দিয়ে দিলাম। হাসিব, বদ্দা, টিটু ভাই সহ অন্যান্য ব্লগাররা হয়ত অলরেডি মেইল পেয়েছেন। ঐ ফান্ড রাইজিং অনুষ্টানে হয়ত তীরন্দাজ ভাই ও উপস্হিত থাকবেন। উনার প্লানটা জানালে উপকৃত হই। অনুষ্টানটি রবিবার বিকেলে তাই নিজে যেতে পারবো নাকি জানি না।

মেইলটি এখানে কপি করে দিলাম। Dear All, enclosed please find two emails about CRP (centre for the rehabilitation of the paralysed), Bangladesh . About email-1: This is the invitation of the coming event of CRP in Munich , Germany . If you are interested you may visit with your family, friends and colleagues. In brief, It's a voluntary work for a rehabilitation centre in Bangladesh named CRP (if you read the second email or visit the web page http://www.crp-bangladesh. org you may know the details). The main objectives of the coming event in Munich are raising the fund by selling goods, foods etc. and introduce CRP to the local inhabitants. The location of the event is very nice; indubitably anyone will enjoy there with a chance to meet so many new people and activities. Please see the attached poster for the invitation. Feel free to inform your family, friends and colleagues who is living in Munich or nearby or planning to visit Munich that time. About email-2: Please read the contents and if you have any link with any newspaper in BD or any BD govt. responsible official please tell them to verify this situation and take the necessary steps in order to avoid and solve such a situation. We never know, any small effort could bring a great result! ************ **** MAIL 1 ************ ********* **** Liebe Bangladeschfreunde! Am Sonntag den 10.6.07 machen wir ein Kulturprogramm zugunsten eines Rehakrankenhauses in Bangladesch im Westpark. Die Einladung ist im Anhang. Bei Regen wird die Veranstaltung auf den 19.8.07 verschoben. Wir freuen uns ?eden der kommt! Elke (Vorsitzende des Freundeskreis des CRP e.V.) ************ **** MAIL 2 ************ ********* **** Friends, I guess you have known about some of the recent incidents and situations at the CRP (center for the rehabilitation for the paralyzed) in Savar by the papers by now. Many even were shocked with the news of Valerie Taylor being removed from the very organization she founded. I am calling all to show our support to a person who gave her entire life to this cause and country and to witness how we treat the true heroes. Ms.Valaerie Taylor a dedicated British physiotherapist and a true humanitarian is in Bangladesh from 1969, working from the Chittagong hill tracts. This dreamer started CRP, feeling there is a strong need for a rehabilitation center mainly for spinal cod injuries. By the very nature of the injuries ? it?s mostly poor who suffer, now a vested group is just trying to make it into a commercial hospital, which is now mostly run by national and international donations. In effort to do their deed of turning the whole organization in to a total profit making one, they already have raised the rates of every thing, even a single ride to the treatment room from the dorm on a wheel chair costs 20 taka, not very negligible to the very poor. To make their way they have taken many techniques including tampering and violating many rules of both the country and the organization. Their idea being, if Valerie is removed then there is no stop to their goal. She slowly put together this big organization where any one, no matter how rich or poor they are used to get the best and equal treatment. More than 25 years ago she started with just 4 patients, doing all the things even by her bare hands and now she is being thrown out, her very position of coordinator abolished. To top it up she is accused of hindering the activity of the very organization she herself started ? we never get the irony. They accuse of recent corruption at the organization where as when they are being in charge for the past two and a half year didn?t do any thing to see into the matter, more over sacking many and promoting the ones who could be amongst the corrupt. It is learned that only one of the four members of the Mirpur construction the irregularity they constantly refer to, of whom only one didn?t have his term not renewed and let go without any punitive action taken against him and the rest three of the four of the Mirpur building supervisor team from CRP have their position enhanced by the very people who are accusing of the corruption. Question comes, how come in their over two year term no action is being taken? Then who is to be brought to the book? Even they can?t say Valerie is corrupt, then who is? Throwing Valerie out only by one vote, what point is trying to be made here? In a pursuit to gather support and to create awareness against this unjust situation at this wonderful pro poor ?world class? hospital - cum rehabilitation center and its various wings ? physiotherapy training center, various schools and so on. A concern group of people calling them selves Save CRP Citizen?s committee had a press conference at the Dhaka Reporter?s Unity auditorium. On Tuesday, May 22, 2007, at 11:30 am. How you can help? Well, as Valerie puts it ?you never know how you might help?, in this case please read the appeal and judge for yours self and if you find any thing you may feel like endorsing then please do. It is really frustrating to witness the whole thing, an organization loosing its focus and quality. Also to see some one who did so much for this country is being treated like this by our greedy fellows. Please circulate the attached appeals to as many for the support and to bring about a fair situation to this organization which needs all our attention. We call up on you to demand a fair trail to all the incidents including the very grave recent ones, we advocate so that all the irregularities be brought to book and offenders tried. Let us all work our bit to save this organization for the poor and a visionary?s life time of work. Every attention will matter a lot. Sincerely,

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।