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Showtime's 'Homeland' Extends Plot With Audible.com Stories

Fans of Showtime's popular series Homeland will be able to get more out of Season 3, thanks to a partnership that's bringing supplemental stories recorded by cast members online.
20th Century Fox is teaming up with Audible.com to bring audio files tied to Homeland plot developments for three upcoming episodes.
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Following the premiere of the third episode on Sunday (Oct. 13), fans can visit Audible.com for a free download of a 30 minute story performed by Damien Lewis, who plays Nicholas Brody. Other cast members are expected to recored stories for upcoming episodes, as well.
"Each of the audio stories will relate to an important plot line introduced this season," Audible.com said in a statement. "[It] is the perfect complement to your Season 3 viewing, and a great way for current and new fans to get to know what drives one of the most fascinating characters on television."
The stories were written by Emmy-winning television and screenwriter Glenn Gers in association with Fox’s writers.
Image: Fredrick M. Brown/Getty Images

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