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Google Glass: I’m Not Winking at You, Just Taking Your Picture

It takes just one muscle, the orbicularis oculi, to wink — but not everyone can do it. I’ve recently learned, for instance, that my wink is more of a blink. This matters now that I’m using the latest creepy-but-cool experimental feature on Google Glass: Wink to take a picture.
Google Glass, still something of an experiment (you need an invite to get a $1,500 device), is the wearable heads-up display technology that connects you to the Internet and your smartphone. A glance up can bring you news, weather and tweets, and grants access to an ever-growing list of features and apps. (Mashable has a Glass app, too.)
See also: 20 Searches Made Ridiculous by Google Autocomplete
The ability to take photos and videos via Glass' rim-mounted camera isn't new, but winking to take a picture certainly is. Interestingly, Google patented the ability to recognize facial expressions, including winks, earlier this year. Google officially added the "wink for picture" option on Tuesday along with several other Glass enhancements. As soon as I heard about the feature, I knew I had to try it.
First, I upgraded my Glass software, which is now on version X12. Glass auto-updates its OS via Wi-Fi, so I didn’t have to do much. Then, I touched the Glass frame and swept my finger back to access settings. I tapped and swept forward until I reached the “wink for picture" option, which comes right after the new screen lock security feature.

When I tapped to turn on “wink for picture," Glass guided me to a calibration screen. Right before my eye, I saw the face of a woman wearing Glass. She was blinking repeatedly — a slow, steady blink. The on-screen text told me to blink my right eye just as she was. Instead, I kept blinking as if my eye had a tic; I couldn’t seem to control it. The on-screen guide also asked me if I could see all four corners of the Glass virtual screen. I could, but just barely: I wear Google Glass along with my regular prescription glasses, so they’re positioned slightly further away from my eye than they would be for wearers without prescription lenses.
Initially, I gave up. I couldn’t control that darn orbicularis oculi properly. Eventually, though, If went back and tried to relax my face and slow down my blink (err, wink). Finally, I noticed the screen sort of wink back at me once, then again as I winked. I received an on-screen confirmation of success.

The experimental winking feature is turned on all the time. In other words, blinking while wearing Glass can accidentally capture a picture. The more typical scenario, though, is to wake Glass by tapping the frame or looking up. I have my Glass set to wake up on an 11-degree head tilt.

In theory, winking equates to taking a photo. Initially, I had to wink a dozen times or more to do so (I blame myself because I am a terrible winker). Sometimes, it took three or four tries; once, miraculously, it only took me a single wink.
When the feature does work, Glass beeps, the screen blanks and then switches to camera mode. A second later, you’re staring at the latest “taken through glass” image.
he didn't seem to mind when I winked at him repeatedly #throughglass pic.twitter.com/btqwl3nENy
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) December 18, 2013
During my test run, I decided to calibrate again. This helped improve the blinking accuracy — so much so, in fact, Glass misinterpreted a casual blink for a wink as I was writing this post and took pictures of my desk. Initially, I thought turning off head tilt would address this issue: My 11 degree head-tilt wake setting means that Glass is on more often than it should be. I glance up and down a lot when working and blink more than I thought.
But even turning this off didn’t entirely stop Glass from grabbing photos based on a random blink. (Anyone want to see a gallery of images featuring my desk?) So a word to the wise: Adjust all of your settings if you plan on using wink. I eventually turned head-tilt off and am now hunting for additional feature controls before I disable it.
I have to admit, "wink for picture" is innovative and makes Glass feel like a futuristic gadget. On the other hand, I have trouble imagining how it could be considered cool in polite company.
It’s already difficult enough to wear Google Glass in some environments: bathrooms (not cool), bars (too dark, too loud and you look like a dork) and schools (“hey, did you just take a picture of my kid?!”). Now Google makes us wink surreptitiously to snap pictures of the world around us. I suspect more than a few Google Glass wearers are about to get slapped.
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BONUS: Google Glass: Don't Be A Glasshole
Image: Mashable

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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