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U.S. Adults Spend 11 Hours Per Day With Digital Media

Here's a stat we've heard over and over: 58% of American adults own smartphones. Pair that with the fact that digital culture permeates almost every aspect of our lives, and we can already assume the average person spends a lot of time with gadgets.
According to a new cross-platform report from Nielsen, our suspicions are confirmed: The average American adult spends 11 hours per day with electronic media. That includes watching the age-old activities of watching TV and listening to the radio — which, surprisingly, are the top two digital activities in the average American adult's day.
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Following live TV and radio, Americans spend their digital time with smartphones, Internet (on a PC) and timeshifted TV (e.g., DVR). The following chart, created by Statista, breaks down each activity by hours and minutes.

Image: Statista
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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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