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Twitter Users Have a Lot to Say About the Redesign (Shocker.)

Your Twitter profile page is about to look a lot like Facebook, and chances are, you have a pretty strong opinion about it.

Nearly two months after the company quietly tested a new layout among a small group of users, news first reported by Mashable, Twitter is officially rolling out a new design starting on Tuesday. Social media users are notoriously adverse to change, with the slightest update often awakening the most critical of members, so it's not surprising the news brought a bevy of negative reactions, mostly with users calling it out as too similar to Facebook.

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Among the major changes is that the user's main picture and bio are now scaled to the left, and there is significantly more real estate dedicated to the header photo. The revamped timeline makes tweets look larger and there is greater focus on photos. Although the original test had "tiles" or "cards" that moved away from a vertical timeline, this design reinstates what we're used to seeing.

In addition, tweets with more engagement appear larger in user timelines, and you can filter based on photos/videos, replies and so on. It's also possible to "pin" tweets to the top of your profile page, calling out specific content you want followers to notice.

Here's a look at the general (and mixed) reaction bubbling up on, of course, Twitter:

All Twitter users will get the redesign in the "coming weeks." Take our poll below and let us know your thoughts on redesign in the comments.

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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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