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ফোনেটিক ইউনিজয় বিজয়

Multi Qualities of Green Tea.

০৭ ই ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১১ ভোর ৪:১৪
এই পোস্টটি শেয়ার করতে চাইলে :

Green tea a kind of herbal has become popular because of its huge benefits to the body. This kind of tea is homologues as black and oolong tea. The scientific name of tea is Camellia Sinensis.It is a part and parcel of the Chinese to drink tea. Obesity rarely found among the Chinese although their diet are enriched in fats.

Researchers found that catechin polyfenols is entitled as EGCG a n elements of green tea are responsible behind the weight loss. This element also responsible for diluting surplus triglyceride a chemical elements of extra fats in the body.Hypertension, heart disease, diabetes along with other chronic disease are occurred because of the rich levels of triglycerides.

Stimulating metabolism which leads to losing pounds is another function of green tea. It contains thermo genetic qualities which arouse the main nervous system and help to turn fat into fuel. Ejecting extra water from the body and making thus weight loss are the familiar activities of green tea.

Caffeine is the elements of coffee. It also found in green tea in a scanty amount though affects just like coffee.Besides, it has helping hand to improve one's energy level.

Finding out the amazing power of green tea, most researchers recommended that drink green tea minimum two cups daily to lose weight. A few numbers dislike its bitter taste but they use green tea essence that can supply the same merits as an alternative of tea leaves.

It is not enough for you to drink this tea and lose weight magically. A healthy low calories diet along with proper exercise to get a good picture of your health.

Green tea is familiar as refreshing drink for the relaxing power of it upon overall body and the mind. It also reduces the danger of heart disease, cancer, increase body's power to infections and finally weight loss.

Have a nice day with green tea.
০টি মন্তব্য ০টি উত্তর

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুন

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