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HINDU'S FATE IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES (মুসলমান শাসিত দেশে হিন্দুর ভাগ্য)

Agniveer Pakistani Hindus are India’s responsibility Posted: 11 Apr 2013 12:49 PM PDT Agniveer started its New Year 2070 with a visit to Bijwasan, New Delhi where around 480 Hindus from Pakistan have taken shelter in an erstwhile primary school building. These Hindus came to India a few weeks ago in aftermath of a severe wave of hatred against non-Muslims in Pakistan. Shri Sanjeev Newar and Dr DK Garg from Agniveer met the families in morning, discussed their situation and worked towards a roadmap for them. The details are indeed shocking. These Hindus cannot own any property or even demand protection of their fundamental rights in Pakistan. They are forced to pay a Jaziya tax to Mujahideen if they want protection of their lives and dignity of their women. Abduction of Hindu women, especially unmarried girls is a common phenomenon. Thus, they are forced to marry their children in early childhood to offer some degree of protection. The wages they get is half for that of a Muslim. Hindus are considered untouchable and cannot even wear new clothes. Cows are cut openly in Hindu temples and idols desecrated. The bulk of Sindh population remains in delusion that Islam alone is best religion and all Kafirs (an abusive term used for non-Muslims) are worst of creatures. And hence there is no sin in torturing Hindus unless they convert to Islam. In 1951, Hindus formed 22% of Pakistani population (much more than the Muslim population proportion in India today!). And today they have reduced to less than 1.7%. Either they are forced to convert, or live like third grade citizens, or indulge their women in flesh-trade. Rape and abduction of women has taken an unprecedented high in last few years thanks to hatred spit by various fanatic mullahs and ‘Islamic research’ organizations. Thus, these Hindus, for whom dignity of women and commitment to Hinduism, is more precious than anything else, were left with no option but to come to India. They came on a tourist visa but are firm that they would not return to Pakistan. They would rather choose to immolate themselves than allow a fanatic to rampantly abduct their women. So desperate have been the situations that many families left their young children in Pakistan because their passports and visa were not ready, before coming to India. They had to make the tough choice between safeguarding their rest of the families vs putting entire family under risk for sake of one loved member. May God never show such tough situations to anyone. They got a visa for one month from Indian government that got expired 2 days ago. Currently their visa has been extended by one more month. They are restricted to stay within Delhi. Agniveer demands that India issues unconditional citizenship to all minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Partition of India was an unethical, unnatural phenomenon that happened because we could not counter the fanaticism of few hoodlums. Just like Manmohan Singh and LK Advani could manage to come to India in 1947, not everyone was so lucky. We all know how trains and trains of Hindus and Sikhs were butchered and raped by Pakistanis when they tried to come from Pakistan to India during population transfer. The current Hindus, Sikhs and Christians in Pakistan and Bangladesh are India’s responsibility. They are our own brothers and sisters. India should take all extra-steps to claim back our own family members. But in the interim, till our government wakes up to realities and its moral responsibilities, it is duty of each and every Indian to support these family members across the border. Atithi Devo Bhava – Guest is Devata is India’s foundation. Why guests, India has gladly fed and glorified even invaders and enemies. Should we not then open our arms for our own family members? These Pakistani Hindus need us. We must provide for their food, security, job and education. Ch. Nahar Singh, a retired army-man has singlehandedly supported these displaced Hindus in his private property by offering food and shelter. Our heartiest thanks and naman to the hero. It is time for all of us now to join hands in support. Agniveer has listed a set of requirements to help these families: - Education facility for children (numbering roughly 200) - Agniveer has collaborated with a few Gurukuls and we aim to provide free education and complete financial support for around 100 to 150 of these children through admission in these Gurukuls. The goal is that not only their education till graduation is completely taken care of, but also to nurture torchbearers of Dharma from among them who could be the next Bismils, Lajpats and Shradhanands. All of those who have any links and associations in schools or Gurukuls in Delhi region are requested to proactively help getting education for each and every eligible student. - Employment for youth - Most of these people are farmers or unskilled labors. And few are also technicians and skilled labors. We sincerely urge all to provide employment to all of them so that they can live with dignity and self-empowerment. - Living Expenses - A bare minimum living standard with minimal hygiene, sanitation and food would require an expense of around Rs 2 lakh per month. All who are willing to contribute to this Yajna may donate to Agniveer through http://agniveer.com/join/funds/ . Please mail us clearing stating: PAKISTANI HINDUS. Click below button to make your contribution The entire amount shall be used exclusively and ONLY for this cause. Further, if you have clothes, medicines etc to spare, please do not miss the chance to be a Krishna to dear Sudama. If you have additional house or flats to provide for shelter of these families, that would be of great help as well. Agniveer’s commitment 1. Agniveer is collaborating with a few gurukuls to provide free education till graduation to around 100 children. Our aim is to be able to absorb all children and even a few youths in educational drive. 2. Agniveer is committed to provide financial support as well as support in kind for their decent living. We have even higher aspirations for these commitments. We hope that overwhelming support of our patrons will help us realize the same. Address of stay of Pakistani Hindus in Delhi: Ch. Nahar Singh Ambedkar Basti Bijwasan New Delhi (Directions: Bijwasan is near Gurgaon and Palam Village. At Bijwasan, take the road adjoining Golokdham Mandir and reach Holi Chowk. From there, take a cut to Ambedkar Basti and reach Shiv Mandir. Ask anyone location of Tower on the road. You can ask anyone about Ch Nahar Singh there. Since a lot of media persons have visited in last few days, it will be easy to get road directions from passer-byes, if in doubt) Click This Link Click This Link

সোর্স: http://www.somewhereinblog.net     দেখা হয়েছে ২০ বার

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