আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


Islam, Peace and Present Situation of Bangladesh

This is my facebook status "1400 Years ago, Prophet Hardhat Muhammad Sm. established Islam in this world and Almighty Allah is the protector of Islam. 1400 years later, some people who start their journey by terrorism, how can I say them, they are the protector of Islam and how can I say it, this is Islam! For me, this is a fun nothing else. I love to say, another fake Islamic movement. The meaning of Islam is peace. So any kind of quarrel cannot acceptable in Islam. The main thing of Islam is, if you need something or if u have any objection, just ask your Creator to help you, Only He can solve your problem. Only He can provide you, what you need. If we read the life story of Prophet Sm. i never saw, he asked something from government or king. Because, Islam teach us to want something from Almighty. If you want something from any other creation, then it means, you do not obey Islam. You have no faith in "Kalimah", the holly sentence of Islam. So, my request to you, Please follow the Islam properly or try to follow. But do not preach or do not try to establish fake Islam. Do not fight with your Muslim brothers. You have no right to fight with them. You also have no right to fight with non-Muslims. Lets Read, know and understand those things, which are written in Al-Qur'an." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Yesterday I provide most thoroughly discussed status. So many people knock me and they want to say, I am wrong. Many of them insults me. Two person said, I am the enemy of Islam. One person said, I am a bad man, So, I should not talk about religion. Now I want to say, If you think like that, then I want to say, you may think that. But Only Almighty Allah will judge me and I hope and I believe, He will forgive me. Because He is too kind. He creates me as a human. So, I want to keep the humanity and I am taking my position strongly against the fake Islamic movement. I do not hate you. For you, I am requesting you, please leave that way and take the peaceful and perfect way which is shown by Prophet Hardhat Muhammad SM. I am praying for you that, Almighty Allah will give you proper light and perfect knowledge about Islam. And I am requesting you, if you do not want to believe your creator, then you can do it. But you do not have any right to insult a religion. Because, religion is a way which is kept by a person in his soul. So, lets leave this messy condition and lets make a peaceful world where you can obey your religion perfectly. No more war, No more Blood.Yesterday I provide most thoroughly discussed status. So many people knock me and they want to say, I am wrong. Many of them insults me. Two person said, I am the enemy of Islam. One person said, I am a bad man, So, I should not talk about religion. Now I want to say, If you think like that, then I want to say, you may think that. But Only Almighty Allah will judge me and I hope and I believe, He will forgive me. Because He is too kind. He creates me as a human. So, I want to keep the humanity and I am taking my position strongly against the fake Islamic movement. I do not hate you. For you, I am requesting you, please leave that way and take the peaceful and perfect way which is shown by Prophet Hardhat Muhammad SM. I am praying for you that, Almighty Allah will give you proper light and perfect knowledge about Islam. And I am requesting you, if you do not want to believe your creator, then you can do it. But you do not have any right to insult a religion. Because, religion is a way which is kept by a person in his soul. So, lets leave this messy condition and lets make a peaceful world where you can obey your religion perfectly. No more war, No more Blood. --------------------------------------------------- And my final comment about the situation: Oh Almighty Allah, Please help us and save us from these enemy of Islam, from the fake Islamic movements, from the Islamic terrorists. I am praying for the true light for the people who write against you, who talk against you. I want these from You, because, you create them, They are your creation. Oh Creator, make them the friend of Islam. I want this, because, if you want, you can do this. You made many friend of Islam, who was the greatest enemy of Islam. Oh Protector, I want these, because I know, You are the Most Kind. So, please give the true light us.

সোর্স: http://www.somewhereinblog.net     দেখা হয়েছে ১৪ বার

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।