আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


An apology - I am sorry my country.

I am trying to write something with a dampened heart. My heart is dampened but my wrath gushes forth. Every death is heart-rending but deaths incurred by fellow human-shaped animals are thousand times more so. It is a matter of great regret that we Bengalis are genetically deformed. We can never be anywhere closer to any civilized values. No one comes to a university to be murdered, yet we are all in fear of being murdered all the time all the moments. One soul has just passed away. His soul is just out of his body but it is intact. It is intact to curse us, curse all the people of this country for ever. We are all responsible for this death. We are all active participant in this murder. Neither I nor any one else can deny the responsibility in this heinous homicide. He was boy of an extremely impoverished family. He had to go to Mirpur to earn only tk.1200. He had to endure threats of being thrown out of room. He had to suffer daily humiliation only because he was not a political student. He had to respect political “Big Brothers”. Every episode of his life has ended. My country, you are my mother. How many lives do you want to claim? How much blood of your sons do you want. Are your educational institutions dispensing education or teaching us violence and how to exploit you? Countless elegies will not suffice to calm our hearts. They will further aggravate the situation. Is it the fact that we will not come to the help of our country when she is really in need? Do we need military-style campus training to serve her? Is our country at war with any internal or external rogue forces? So why is student politics? What purpose does it serve? Whose interest is it in? It is in the interests of our rogue leadership. Unfortunately we have never had any strong and selfless leader. All the people who led us since independence are indelible shame from which we will never feel conscientious. We are poor students of this university. Most of us have left a family which is eagerly waiting when will be established. We have to study and at the same time meet our economic needs. We have to do tuition in order to stay here. We have to lead a life which is worse than any concentration camp ever recorded in history. Our rooms are cramped and hellish. Yet we have accepted everything because we have to go ahead, our families eagerly waiting for us. Most of our teachers(?) are pursuers of money and fame and self-interests. Their academic qualifications are highly questionable. There is no intellectual exercise at all. Our VCs and other leading teachers(?) are politically appointed. No teachers are respected by anyone at all. We are greatly ashamed of introducing ourselves as the student of this university. Time will come when university teachers and students will be spitted on. I am lost for words. excuse me my country.

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।