আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


The Power of the Subcontinent: Part 2 Pakistan

Pakistan was created in the year 1947, with the split of India in to two sections. Pakistan at this time included West and East Pakistan. East Pakistan later became Bangladesh1971. It is the split of 1947 and why it occured which will be the focus of this essay. Whether Pakistan fulfilled its promises in which it made in the cause of the split or not which will also be studied. These points essentially include the issue of Pakistan being created to establish a state that called only to Allah, which is why it was founded, to give political freedom to the Muslims of India who were supressed by the Hindu upper aunchelon, and to let the Muslims live by the Shari'ah code of Islam. Looking in to the current situation of Pakistan today, this surely has not been a goal fulfilled, rather a goal forgotten, suppressed and neglected. As discussed in the previous 'Power of the Subcontinent' article, it related the two sides of the movements that sprung up in India, that is the pro-Hindu India movement and the pro-Islamic India movement. It was eventually realised that neither side would compromise in wanting the supremacy of power over the land they loved so much. It was agreed upon and granted with the help of India, a two-state solution. This created Pakistan (east and west) and India. And as mentioned in the other article, Burma was also created at this time, and given its independence from the British empire. It must also be noted that Britain did everything it could to stop the separation and creation of Pakistan. This is due to the fact that they did not want to extend any power and influence to the Muslims, and did not want them to live by Islam. This is understandable when studying the history of how Britain and other European powers had a hand in breaking down and destroying the Islamic state (Khilafah--in 1924). So with all its power and might they supported movements that would grant their utlimate goal, opposite to that of the Muslims. But as history shows, they were unsuccessful. (or were they?) The movement for Pakistan, amongst the Muslims of India, had its supporters and haters. The main idea behind Pakistan, as mentioend earlier, was the will and want and need to live comprehensively by Islam. This comes from the idea of: "If you wish to live the life of a Muslim, then it is not possible except to live by the Quran." [Which was a rendering of the verses 7:3 and 33:2 by Allama Iqbal] Also it says in the Qur'an: "It is not allowed for a man that Allah should give him the book, power to judge, and even prophethood, and he should say to his fellow beings to obey his orders rather than those of Allah…" (3:79) It is from these ideas that a democratic movement for change began. And as hardships grew amongst the people, so did the sentiments of wanting to live by Islam. While in the other article Jinnah's role in moving forward the Islamic movement and two-state solution, there was another prominent man and scholar that played a highly important role in helping the creation of an Islamic Pakistan. This man was Maulana Maudoodi. He was the founder of the Islamic movement, Jama'at-e-Islami. He founded the movement in 1941, before the creation of Pakistan. The movement was used as a cursor to instigate Islamic concepts and ideas in the people, common and intelligensia, so that a true Islamic state would be established through the creation of Pakistan. Many of his ideas and points that moved in society, of a state established with a constitution that was democratic and based on the 'aqeedah of Islam were well digested by lots. And when the time came for Pakistan to be created, when it gained its independence, it seemed that many of these ideas had been taken on board. However, as the years past it seemed that Maudoodi's ideas had been forsaken, and forgotten, and so the campaign for a democratic islamic state continued. JI continued to be useful in moving towards a more Islamic Pakistan, through campaigning on all-levels all throughout the country. With the state of Pakistan now, with the Pakistani government representative in England, in an interview on 'the agenda' on the issue of the Swat fighting saying that Pakistan was built on secular and liberal ideas it is clear to see that the original goal of 'la ilaha illallah' has been lost. And how has this happened? How have the original sentiments that Maulana Maudoodi managed to circulate in the minds of the Pakistani Muslims, that gained so much momentum towards a constitution based on the 'aqeedah lose all its momentum to bring Pakistan in to the state it is in now? This was done through the clear and manipulative support of foreign forces towards establishing a state that the Muslims throught and appeared to be Islamic but was far from it. It appears that Britain gave up all its rights to the sub-continent with the two-state solution. But this was not so. There are many other ways to wield power that Britain learnt through its mistakes in India. Today the Muslims cannot be contained and controlled by the gun, nor the sword, nor any Western constructed borders. What is clearly promoted and maintained by the Western governments is the power of secularism. It pushes and continues to push its agenda, through the leaders of its choice. This can be seen through the recent election of 'Mr 10%' as the nations leader. What Pakistan must look towards now is supporting movements and parties that call for a sincere change in the government and its structure and foundation, so that it may fulfill its promises as a nation from which it was originally founded, that being to live by Islam, according to Islam, and not according to the minds of the people but to that of Allah (subhana watallah).

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।