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Our High School vs Digital : an Informal Conversation.

Digital Bangladesh Warriors - fb.com/openbd

Yesterday, i met a high school teacher. Sabina Begum, she teaches a high school. SOROKER BAZAR HIGH SCHOOL Zokiganj Sylhet. The school has it own reputation to be a good school in the localities. It is a Union Level school and, it definitly represents 80% of High School around Bangladesh. Me: How many students appeard for SSC this year from your school ? Sabina: 180. Me: Where does your school locate ? Sabina: Jes by the Shoroker bazar. Me: which class u teach ? Sabina: from six to ten i take arts subject. Me: there is a Madrasa, i know, where it is ? Sabina: it is jes next to our school. Me: which one is bigger Madras or the school ? Sabina: we are same maybe, but madras has more land resources than us and it is surely richer than us. Me: how are the students there in madras and in ur school in same level, like six to six, SSC to Dhakhil ? Sabina: madrasa students are much weaker than that of us, they know nothing. Specially Bangla, Math, English they are badly weaker. Me: whre the students come from in ur schoola and in Madrasa ? Sabina: they are from same villages and they are neighbours one another. Me: what they are good at ? Sabina: they are good at Arabic. Me: could they speak Arabic ? sabina: yes ! Me: what they know Arabic ? there are Arab countries, with arabic language, having highest technologies as well. Sabina: yes ! they know sura-kalam. Me: do u have electricity to ur school ? Sabina: yes ! she riplied in an another part of this question. "80% high schools in the country are next to any growth center and they have electricity access." Me: do u have couputers in your school ? Sabina: yes we have one. Me: where did u get it ? Sabina: a leader donated it. Me: how long it belongs to ur school ? Sabina: 3 or 4 years. Me: what u do with the computer ? Sabina: we are not useing this. Me: dont u write ur offical letters works in ur school wth the coumputer? Sabina: rearlly, our clarck write some letters. Actually we dont hv computer teacher. Me: wht in other high schools do they have computers and computer teachers ? Sabina: most of high schools hv computers but few have teachers, specially in the towns have teachers for theory. And they use computer in their official works. Me: wht percentage of ur students know there are computers in the world ? Sabina: they know it. Me: how many of ur students have seen a computer, how it looks like like ? Sabina: many a number has NOT seen it yet, indeed. Me:how many of ur students have ever touched a computer, how it feels hard or soft. is it 80% ? Sabina: it will be more than that. Actually they didnt have chance to touch it in their life. Me: is the number applicable to the Madrasa ? Sabina: yes they are deprivation is rathe worse. =>In the conversation i trend to focus on some square killomerers of area of our country which represants 80% square kms of Bangladesh. =>Some area, some villages, teen ages from six to SSC, boys and girls. =>Access to Education, Schools and Madrasas. =>A picture of the places that remakes the country's Human resoures. Suggestion: A simple mesz from the honourable Minister of Education can make 80% of these schools' computers running from to-morrow. A simple task, a letter: those schools have computers they are advised to start their computers to write official letters- and how much they can- in 7 days, taking help from the local Administration which they meet thrice or several in every month. It had to be done years back. we had all oppertunites to tell those students this is computer! see it, it is hard ! see, it gives light ! see you can write and delete ! we dont know how those boys and girls are; we jes let them touch it, press its kyes and they would go deep Interfaces.

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