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Artist Creates Real-Life 'Mario Kart' With 3D Chalk Drawings

Artist Chris Carlson has a knack for bringing to life many of your favorite childhood video games — using 3D chalk drawings.
For his latest YouTube video, he's created an incredible, real-life version of Mario Kart, complete with mushrooms, Koopa Shells and Bullet Bills. Previously, Carlson has animated videos of Tetris, Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots and Minecraft.
Watch as Carlson's 3D rendering of Yoshi speeds down real suburban streets, knocking obstacles from his path, left and right.
BONUS: 9 Booze-Filled Versions of Classic Childhood Games
Redditor menace64 created the ultimate Pokemon board game designed to help you imbibe. He writes, "Start in the top left, roll a die, drink. It basically boils down to that. Two notes of caution: 1) Stick to beer, or you simply won't finish (I've only seen someone finish with hard liquor once); and 2) Stock up more than you think you'll need beforehand. This game has a tendency to dry up entire supplies of alcohol. It's brutal."
(h/t Reddit)
Partiers should sit or stand in a circle and pick a song that everyone knows well. Fill a flask with your drink of choice and seal it tightly - make sure nothing will spill! When the group begins to sing the chorus, pass the flask around the circle. Whoever is stuck with the flask when the chorus ends has to drink. Bottoms up!
(h/t Man Cave Daily)
Unless you were a particularly steady-handed kid, you probably hit the buzzer too many times to count when playing this game as a kid. The adult version of the game barely changes - just take a shot every time the buzzer goes off, thus decreasing the probability that your poor patient will ever make it off the operating table.
Drunken Towers is a sloppy twist on the wooden block game Jenga.
Each player takes turns carefully pulling blocks out of the tower. Before you place the block back on top, you must complete the task written on the block. Tasks include taking shots, linking yourself to a partner ("When I drink, you drink,") and reversing the direction of the game. Order a set here or create your own using personalized commands. And you thought this game was tough while sober?
This game requires some significant prep time and 32 separate shot glasses, but the nostalgia factor makes your effort worthwhile! Check out the set-up and game instructions at Celebrations.com.
(h/t Celebrations.com)
Tic Tac Toe might have seemed boring as a kid, but that doesn't have to be the case today. Order this specialized Tic Tac Toe shot glass kit from Gadgets and Gear, or replicate the game on your own. The adult version requires the loser to drink one shot for every move on the board! If it's a tie, each player drinks one shot for each of their own moves. This game gets intense pretty quickly, so be careful about playing too many rounds.
(h/t Gadgets and Gear)
Even while sober, Twister tends to induce the same symptoms you get after a few drinks, like giggling and falling down. Play as usual, but every time someone falls, they have to take a shot.
This drinking game is modeled after the original card game. Divide the deck in two. Each person flips over one card at a time. Whoever has the lowest card value surrenders their card and takes a drink. If both players draw the same card, each person counts out three cards face-down and one face-up. The person with the higher-value face-up card wins all cards on the table. The game ends when one person holds the whole deck - or when one person can't keep track of which numbers are low and which are high!
(h/t Made Man)
Charades can get pretty raucous by itself, but why not give the game a boozy boost? Set a time limit for guessing each charade - let's say one minute. If the audience correctly guesses the charade in time, the actor has to drink. If the audience fails to guess it, they have to drink.
Homepage Image: YouTube, Awe me

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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