As kids, we looked forward to the cash that came with losing a tooth. Now as grown-ups, however, we realize the tooth fairy is pretty grotesque — giving us money for body parts? Sounds very questionable.
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In this comic, Josh Mecouch of Formal Sweatpants shows us how to get the fairy's money without losing anything.
Beware, though: The tooth fairy likes revenge, and has a lot of friends in high places (Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, obviously).
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Who doesn't love an ice pop?
When you drink and get dizzy, sit down.
Then you'll have the energy to keep going and going and going...
You might as well aspire to greatness.
There's no shame in planning an awesome itinerary for the times you do get to spend together.
Chores must be tackled. Tough decisions must be made.
A productive day is a satisfying day.
Comic illustration by Josh Mecouch, Formal Sweatpants. Published with permission; all rights reserved.
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