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9 Books Based on Your Favorite Netflix Show

We entered a very literary weekend, with Friday marked as Read a Book Day and Sunday as International Literacy Day.
Even with those extra reminders to tackle your to-read list, it might have seemed easier to spend the weekend watching Netflix than reading a book. It's not too late to shut off the laptop and crack open a book.
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Resist the urge and pick up one of these titles that should at least have a similar feel to whatever show you would have been marathoning.
You'll get all the teen angst, romance, and adult drama you could possibly want, with the colorful language they could never get away with on NBC.
Witty people in space is a summary that fits the show and the novel.
You know you want to be the one who can add some real background and depth to the conversation at the next watercooler discussion about OITNB.
You can worry about the potential of a zombie apocalypse -- and map out your survival strategies -- in a more literary way.
Sedaris and his family find themselves in situations that make a dead dove chilling in the fridge look boring and average.
Ms. Crosley might not be as sunny as Jess Day, but she's just as odd (chapter one details her unintentional pony collection).
Instead of watching teenagers try to solve a mystery, read about a teen who left a mystery behind. Every bit as dark as any episode of PLL.
A seemingly happy '60s suburban couple who are secretly and irrevocably unhappy -- the Wheelers and the Drapers (Don and Betty, that is) are practically twins.
Conan Doyle's classic is missing Benedict Cumberbatch, but there are just so many more deductions and quips in the giant volume than fit in the BBC show's six episodes.
Image: Flickr, jlz

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/     দেখা হয়েছে বার

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