আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


We Bangali, our language, and why we are backdated!

"Do not dream, they never come true - My papa and other rel. said" But, I dreamed! and today... they are a real truth for me. To all dreamers, Do not kill your dreams, let them grow up. They won't let you down, To best wishes to everyone's dream - Ahmed.

I’ve start writing this thread just because I found few people criticizing me. This is a thread about we all Bangladeshi, and a simple attitude of us which taking us to a Backdated Generation! This is all about our Language Bangla, few Bangladeshi’s think that speaking English is not good as speaking Bangla is. I agree with them and they are cent percent right in this case, but while we are competing with the Globe / International Community we must show off English instead of Bangla.As example, you may look after India. A country we are currently being followed in a lot of cases, a country who taken themselves to the top list of Information Technology, a country who now call themselves “World Largest Outsourcer Planet” A country who have few billionaires and world top rich people just from there Information Technology Business sector. Yesterday, I have registered on a community blogging website called “SomewhereinBLOG” and as My Bengali writing is not well (like my English grammar) I’ve start writing and commenting few thread with English and unfortunately while I mention that I am sorry for that. Few people has start criticizing me, and so far I know, they all are well educated and could read the meaning of my comment (Ref : Click This Link ) I even feel a kinda real bad to write there because everyone writing there in Bengali and I am in English which is really not good, but writing in English is really bad ? I don’t think so. In Cyber, you are competing with the Global, here is nothing called “Local” cyber mean a world together without any visa, plane, ticket & passport. I must note a thing that I saw recently, An ex-coworker of mine has received sum of big loan from a non-government bank recently, and after speaking with few American he found that Call Center business is a high profitable business and few Indian companies become Millineries by doing this. Finally after a lot of mess, he start a call center with 100 seats in Uttara, Unfortunately… he did not take that “English Speaking Call Center Agents” thing very important and he though that he will found a lot of employee who could speak well in English, he were planning to pay around 15000 for per seats. and he estimated that he will have an approx profit of 25 lac a month, so he could pay the loan and make his other dreams true. I have noticed him few times, but he did not heard from me. He keep working on this plan, and unfortunately he had to hide and run out of this country because his this project has failed “Just because he could not find 10-20 employee who could speak English well with American Callers” Ahh! what a funny thing it is! We have thousand of people running around with a certificate called MBA/BBA/BSC/MSC and bla bla bla…! few of them even working for 3000-8000/- BDT salary but they could not speak English well and that only reason why they are missing the job of this type of call center. Last update about my friend, he had start his call center project in Gujrat. He own an Indian passport and he really forgot about Bangladesh, when I asked him… how’s going ? he’s replay was like this “I did a big mistake by boring in Bangladesh, a crap country with sick minded people, thanks god. I have saved my ass from that fire, I have start my call center here in India and having a 280% turnover in last 2 month, even you could not realize. We have 400+ regular and 500+ extra seats only for night [american day hour], I am paying around 7000-1000 ruppe for each seats only here and almost 300 seats are female, I gonna come back to Bangladesh by two month and pay the loan I have taken so my family does not face any problem, and also gonna bring them to India and permanently resident here” This is small story, how our country lost a millinerie, and one of most growing person. plus how India owe him! as I said, It’s an example. more then few thousand people every year are leaving like this just because of this sick and corrupted people and system. You would be surprised but thats true that YouTube founder “Jawed Karim ( http://www.jawed.com/ )” is a Bangladeshi, but tell him once to be a permanent citizen of this country, I am sure he gonna reject it and say something like this “Why I would waste my life on that hell ? I am here in this world to be a something not to be a loser!” Yes, thats correct! A Bangali kid could be a billionaires and Owe world second largest website (YouTube is second on Alexa.com Ranking) but he could not do anything by living here. Here is a lot of bad things, I should say. Like “Internet problem, traffic problem, etc etc” but today. I opened this thread just to speak about the Language, writing blog or reading it in Bengali is really great but holding that is real bad to me. Everyone should keep them up to date with the world in my view. One more thing, why we are not good enough in English ? because, we are afraid of writing and reading ( its from my life experience, it was me who were been scared of English few year back ) and we do not try even. I am trying, I know my English is not good enough, I could not write in proper. But trying, trust me. It was more poor then it is now, and I am sure one day I’d be better then an American because I try harder then they do. Some people would say against my topic and say “Look after China, they are not speaking English but they are something today” Yep, I know that. Even Baidu.com is now one of world largest search Engine in China competing with Google and other on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, just for your information. Compare there Internet users with America, You will be surprised for sure then come back here and say whatever you like to. The main point of this thread, is to show a mirror to those who has a HOLDING attitude, I think those people has already look themselves on the mirror, and would change there mind, instead of criticizing people on the cyber who speaks Bengali would inspire them so they could take a part of Grown Bangladesh. At end of this thread, I would like to say “I am not against my country, but I am not with it either. I tried a lot, to be with it. but it’s just give me pain as replay. I want to be something, I do not want to live the life like some other ordinary people, for that. If required, I’ll change my Language, Nationality, Attitude and everything” If it’s not good, then I am really not good. Good bless everyone, Hail Bangla, and may The Almighty of ALLAH give peace to everyone’s soul. PS. As I replayed on a comment of this thread Click This Link , I'll be parting this community right after posting this thread because I think wasting time here with some manner less people is just real waste of time, and I do not have that much patient to fight back with them, I am such a loser in that case. Everyone take care and please do not post any comment that need my attention as I ain't gonna come back here and check them out ever. A copy of this thread could be found here : Click This Link With love, Ahmed Nitul

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।