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10 TV Shows That Can Help You in Class

Television can be very educational, even if you're not watching The Magic School Bus or Schoolhouse Rock.
Mixed between the laugh tracks and hook-ups on your favorite shows are the answers to your extra credit questions and the facts you need for Final Jeopardy.
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And you never have to tell your classmates in Philosophy 101 that you learned all you know from Boy Meets World.
From one clip alone, you can learn a few words in Greek, some of the important figures in physics, and what Fig Newtons are named after.
7th Heaven can teach you more than the terrible fate that awaits you if try a joint. In this horrifically-sad episode, one of the Camden kids encounters a Holocaust denier, and brings a neighbor who survived a concentration camp to tell her story to his class.
In a season-one episode, one of Buffy's nicer teachers gives her some facts about the praying mantis (they're cannibals, for example), which really comes in handy when she has to save her friends from a giant man-eating one.
In addition to teaching a few choice Bible verses, this clip also provides a bonus lesson in how to throw down, knowledge style.
Lex Luther, pre-evil, was very fond of Napoleon facts. In the first few seasons you'll learn almost as much about the French emperor as you do about the details of Tom Welling's chest.
In true Boy Meets World fashion, this episode will not only give you enough info to impress your Philosophy professor, but the wisdom to know one right answer doesn't give you a true understanding of the subject.
Anna Howard Shaw's birthday is now a part of pop culture consciousness, right next to the lyrics of "Muffin Top."
The entire Gilmore Girls series can teach you about music, TV, English Lit, a little French, and possibly the meaning of life. But you can start your education with basic sentence structure.
The definition of chemistry is given, but the question this clip should really answer is how do you turn fire green?
More important than the properties of variables, you learn that if you put enough math terms in a sentence and speak with enough conviction, people will usually just assume you know what you're talking about.
Image: Chuck Zlotnick/CBS via Getty Images

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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