আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


NBC and Fox Lead the Way in TV Network Online Chatter

With fall comes new TV seasons, and social media analysis firm NetBase has analyzed seven shows to find the opinions expressed across social media to determine which shows and networks viewers are most eager to see return.
NetBase says it looks at the social web, including Twitter, Facebook, blogs, forums and news. In this particular study, the firm included American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Homeland, Modern Family, NCIS, New Girl and The Voice.
A NetBase representative says there was no particular reason the firm chose these shows, "we just wanted to showcase as many networks as we could, and chose the shows we thought would be popular."
In its analysis from April 30 to Sept. 5, NetBase found that, while NBC's The Voice and Fox's American Idol received some of the most buzz, ABC series Modern Family and Dancing with the Stars generated the most positive mentions.
Overall, NetBase found ABC to be the most-loved network.
Of Modern Family's nearly 350,000 total mentions — which was the lowest share of mentions of the seven shows analyzed — 82% were positive.
"Online comments from consumers showed that they love the comedic ensemble, and in particular the character Phil Dunphy," NetBase says.
Of Dancing with the Stars' more than 762,000 mentions, 80% were positive, driven in part by viewers' happiness about the quality of the dancing and their love for contestant Kellie Pickler, NetBase adds.
NBC and Fox, however, received much more buzz, according to NetBase's findings.
The Voice brought in a whopping 5.3 million mentions, about 70% of which were positive. NetBase says those 5.3 million mentions mean The Voice received the most social buzz overall with about 49% of the total chatter. However, it also found consumers were embarrassed to admit they enjoyed the show and were disappointed by the show's results.
Meanwhile, Fox's sitcom New Girl had 1.6 million mentions, of which 60% positive, and American Idol had 1.5 million mentions, with about 70% positive.
Dancing with the Stars returns Monday, followed by New Girl on Tuesday, The Voice on Sept. 23, NCIS on Sept. 24, Modern Family on Sept. 25 and Homeland on Sept. 29. American Idol returns in January 2014.
Image: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images
This article originally published at ClickZ here
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