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iOS 7 Has Arrived and Other Top Comments

Brian Pashad is right. The iOS 7 update makes even the oldest phone seem pretty new. But the question is: when will the iPhone 6 be released?
Richard Carr, if you're still experiencing this problem, you should try contacting Apple Support.
Some readers like Tucan Nine are not such big fans of the look of the new iOS.
It's true, Jake Blues. Change doesn't sit well with some people.
That would be great, Philippe Khodara. No finger chopping, please!
Lauro Lopes thinks the changes are too subtle for it to be called a "new logo."
But Leslie Stockton is clearly a fan. Google does no wrong.
On Wednesday, Apple released the latest version of its mobile operating system: iOS 7. Mashable readers were amongst the first to quickly upgrade their Apple devices. Comments came flying in from readers sharing their experience of downloading, and using the new system. The reactions were both good and bad; some people's transitions were flawless, while others were left waiting endlessly for the update.
See also: iOS 7 Apps: Download These Now
The new system came with a radical design change and many features that had some commenters bursting with excitement. But iOS 7 received just as much criticism as enthusiasm. Longtime users and Apple haters alike were happy to have another opportunity to slam the flat design icons and other distinct features. But pro-Apple commenters were quick to point out that nay-sayers are always expected when something is new or different.
Along with the latest operating system, the iPhone 5C and 5S went on sale, starting Friday. The 5S' fingerprint scanner was its most-discussed feature, but there was one major concern: thieves chopping off fingers just to get into your phone. However, one Mashable article put those worries at ease.
Even with all the Apple news, Google made its way into the conversation with a revamped logo. The glossy, beveled and embossed letters were swapped for a flat, modern look. Many readers were disappointed that it wasn't really all that different, but Google fans were pleased to see the logo's outdated features disappear.
Which big stories had you talking this week? Share with us in the comments, below. Homepage Image: Flickr, Sam Howzit

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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