আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


'New York Times' Issues Mario and Luigi Correction

It’s things like this, New York Times:

On Friday morning, award-winning journalist Seymour Hersh gave an interview to the Guardian about the Obama administration and its harrowing laundry list of deceit — the shining item on which happens to be the “big lie” about the U.S. Navy Seals raid on Abbottabad, Pakistan, and the death of Osama bin Laden.
Moreover, Hersh holds the old guard news media responsible for not asking the tough questions and nosing around the White House. “It’s pathetic,” Hersh said. “They are more than obsequious, they are afraid to pick on [Obama].”
Hersh’s examples of the media’s spinelessness includes how the Washington Post inexplicably delayed running a story on Edward Snowden’s leaked files until after the Guardian published them first. The New York Times was cited in the Hersh interview several times for not printing the facts that Americans deserve to know.
Which brings us to the Friday edition of the Gray Lady, only further making the case for Hersh’s allegations after admitting to a major error in last week’s paper. The clip above, courtesy of Jim Romenesko, reads:
An obituary on Sept. 20 about Hiroshi Yamauchi, the longtime president of Nintendo, included a quotation from a 1988 New York Times article that inaccurately described the Nintendo video game Super Mario Bros. 2. The brothers Mario and Luigi, who appear in this and other Nintendo games, are plumbers, not janitors.
And they didn’t even apologize.
Image: Peter Hellberg
This article originally published at Death and Taxes here
Death and Taxes is a Mashable Publishing Partner covering indie music, news and politics.

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