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Six-Second Teeth Cleaners and Other Top Comments

For Patrick Dilloway, even a six-second teeth cleanse isn't quite fast enough.
Mashable composite, image: Flickr, Wade Brooks
While some readers were excited about the high-speed toothbrush, others like Avan Datt, were terrified by the invention.
Mashable composite, image: Flickr, Wade Brooks
Pat Mallette suggested a possible reason for why Miley Cyrus sticks out her tongue, and parties every day.
Mashable composite, image: Flickr, nathanmac87
Many readers, like Jenna Loki McCoy, thought Cyrus' tongue could benefit from a Blizzident.
Mashable composite, image: Flickr, nathanmac87
Even with knowledge of iOS 7's hidden features, Louie Villalobos was still not impressed with the software update.
Mashable composite, image: Flickr, Vincent Lee
Casey Magnuson added to the list of grievances against iOS 7 by mentioning its tendency to drain battery power.
Mashable composite, image: Flickr, Vincent Lee
Some readers, like Bran Schaffer, thought there's nothing wrong with the occasional humblebrag.
Mashable composite, image: Flickr, Josh Semans
Jimmy Kastner took the opportunity to make a sarcastic joke about self-promotion on Twitter.
Mashable composite, image: Flickr, Josh Semans
After the dental world took a leaf out of Vine's book this week by introducing Blizzident, a 3D-printed toothbrush that can clean your teeth in six seconds, Mashable's online community responded with a wide range of reactions.
What's more, when Miley Cyrus gave an explanation for why her tongue is always out, many readers said she could benefit from using Blizzident's built-in tongue brusher.
See also: This Is Why No One Follows You on Twitter
In other news: When some handy, lesser-known features of iOS 7 were revealed, many readers took the opportunity to voice their displeasure with Apple's latest mobile OS.
Similarly, some readers shared their objections to poor Twitter behavior, after we published a story detailing why people choose not to follow certain profiles. However, others admitted that they were not above the occasional humblebrag.
Which story made waves in your social circle this week? Sound off in the comments, below.
Image: Blizzident

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