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New Twitter App for Android Tablets Launches On Samsung Note

Twitter announced an app specifically built for Android tablets on Thursday. The microblogging site has long had an Android app available to tablet owners, but the new app is the first designed for the larger screen and built specifically with the tablet experience in mind, according to a Twitter blog post.
Users will still find content they're familiar with, including trending topics and follow suggestions. But the new app has some features that take advantage of the larger screen. Clicking on tweets in the new app, for example, will expand them to the right of the stream, and clicking again will expand videos, photos or stories across the full screen.
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The app for Android tablets is only available on Samsung's Galaxy Note 10.1-2014 Edition, but will roll out to other Android tablets by the end of the year, according to the blog post. Those with the Note will not only get early access to the app, but will also have the chance to try out some additional features that Twitter build specifically for Samsung's tablet.
For starters, users can now operate the app while running another app or browser side-by-side. This means you can read a story or stream a show on one side of your screen while monitoring your Twitter feed on the other side. Users can also create drawings or draw on photos to share to their stream, similar to how Snapchat users can add doodles or notes to images that they send to friends.

The new Android app also comes with a Twitter widget, letting you receive content directly to your tablet without opening the app. All three features are specific to the Samsung Note; it remains unclear whether they will also be available when Twitter rolls out to the app to other Android tablets.
Twitter built an app specifically for the iPad more than two years ago.
Image: Sean Gallup/Getty Images, Twitter

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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