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15 New York Comic Con Cosplayers Bizarrely Taking Breaks

Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani
Even heroes need to recharge their minds, their bodies and — if you're at New York Comic Con — their phones.
The four-day convention dedicated to comics, games, TV and movies has attracted creative costumes from cosplayers, resulting in some head-turning moments.
See also: 'Star Wars Rebels' Unveils Sinister New Villain: The Empire's Inquisitor
We captured intimate photos of cosplayers when they're not attending sessions or roaming the showroom floor at the enormous Javits Center. Flip through the gallery, above, to see them snacking, smoking and resting.
Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/     দেখা হয়েছে বার

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