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This Guy Just Made Flip Phones Cool Again

Flip phones are making a comeback, just in time for Halloween. Hello again, Moto!
Redditor NoBackstreetboys created a wildly impressively Motorola Razr costume, which might trigger flashbacks to the mid-2000s. (Sorry in advance.)
See also: You Can Quit Now, This Kid's LED Costume Just Won Halloween
The clever costume designer even shared some of the specs with curious commenters. This tech flashback marvel used an iPad for the front screen and LED flashlights to achieve the light-up effect. The rest was simple mechanics — and a lot of creativity.
So don't discount that fax machine or pager costume just yet.
BONUS: 10 Kids Unaware of Their WTF Halloween Costume
That alien gruesomely emerging from an infant's chest should certainly make your skin crawl.
Beside the fact that this kid is dressed like a brutal serial killer, we're also positive he's bored out of his mind strapped to that dollie. How's he going to trick-or-treat in that, anyway?
Sorry, kid. You're not fooling anyone.
Nothing says you're a hippie more than dressing your kid in this leafy green costume.
Between the fake blood and the noose, this is the darkest child's costume we've seen yet.
We feel strapped for air just looking at this photo.
Dressing an infant as a murderous drug dealer seems like a questionable choice.
The least offensive part of this costume are its tacky gold accents.
This terrible costume speaks for itself.
Homepage image: Flickr, lemsipmatt

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/     দেখা হয়েছে বার

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