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Sol Republic Tracks Air: Modular Headphones With a Wireless Twist

For its signature Tracks headphones, Sol Republic takes the unusual step of making them modular: the earcups, cable and headband are all separate and can be swapped out with other components. It's ambitious, then, that Sol would extend the product into the wireless space. After all, Bluetooth headphones require much tech than simple speaker drivers, and don't lend themselves to being taken apart easily.
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Nonetheless, Sol Republic has created a pair of wireless headphones that stay true to Tracks' modular design, the Tracks Air. Cleverly, only one earcup is wireless, with the other connecting via metallic connects in the special PowerTracks headband. Even with the metal strips, the band remains flexible, just like the one for the regular Tracks.
As with the Deck wireless speaker, Sol Republic tapped Motorola's wireless expertise to get the most out of Bluetooth. You can taste the fruits of this collaboration in the Tracks Air's battery that can play up to 15 hours, and its range: an impressive 150 feet. You can even pair the headphones with two different devices, letting you, say, listen to tunes from your computer and still take calls on your phone.
I've been using the Tracks Air for the past few days, and although I like the design and convenience features, the sound was disappointing. Listening to a download of Redlight King's "Comeback," the sound was on the tinny side, and bass was fairly meh. Other songs fared better, but I couldn't shake my longing for a good pair of wired headphones, like Sol's own Master Tracks XC.

Fortunately, the Airs have a wired option. You can plug in a standard Tracks headphone cable at any time to ditch the Bluetooth and hear fully uncompressed sound. Of course, if you want to do that, you may as well go with the regular Tracks.
The Airs weren't that comfortable, either. I'm kind of spoiled since I'm used to Bose's absolutely pampering earcups in my regular QuietComfort 3 cans, but after an hour or so wearing the Tracks Air, they felt a little tight.
The Tracks Air goes on sale in early November at major retailers for $199.99. They're available in white, gunmetal (which looks badass), electro blue and vivid red. Different color PowerTracks bands are coming next year.
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Images: Mashable, Christina Ascani

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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