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Al’ right, anyone fancy fish and chips.

Che Guevara…..Who the hell is he!! In my early 20’s I had the opportunity to travel extreme places in Bangladesh with several clever peoples. One of them was wearing a t-shirt with a beard guy’s face and to me it looks like "his" face!!! So, I asked him can I put also my face in a t-shirt….. Latin America is a complete jam!! I don’t know how many times I said this to the people I meet, but if you have a chance at least be there once. I was about four months in Colombia and the day I went to arrange my visa to their embassy in Sweden; I knew it will be different. After arrive in the embassy within few minutes she put the visa stamps which looks even primitive then my passport. I am in a serious doubt that.. is it really a visa stamp!! From Frankfurt when I get in to the Bogota flight all the Spanish airhostess was saying to me “Buenos días senor”, I know the word so I also replied back. Then they start to speak with me in Spanish. I don't have any vocabulary so, I said can you speak English.. The girl got quite surprised and said “no es español”!! by guess, I said no and then I can read her mind by seeing the twist on her eyebrow “why you are acting like a foreigner, why u just don't accept that you are Colombian”. Anyway, in the office many times they asked me if I am not Spanish then I should be Italian. Still, some of them believe I am from Italy, no one understands what kind of country is Bangladesh even with explanation. Now I am not angry anymore when Maradona said, I didn't know that there is a country called Bangladesh. In Latin America people are more relax about their life, usually they work for support their living not live for work like most of the western or Asian peoples do. In fact they go for lunch and after that a long cappuccino session, all together 2 hours …well, completely new for me. Somehow one of the Pakistani guy is chasing me from the beginning of the year…. First in London and now in Colombia… I would say the guy is very innocent though being married and having a 2 year old daughter. Sometimes he is saying some fancy stuff to the Latin peoples …like an example... Guys in Asia are mostly virgin before they got married at the age of thirty and after listening that one Ecuador guy who is living in Rio de generio got completely puzzled. It took him at least an hour to understand what this supposed to mean.. Then with his very limited English proficiency he concluded first in a sentences “very complicated situation”. Then he become even serious and said, “ok now I understand why Pakistan is always in a fight as because young people’s don't have any recreation in their life so they go to war for ease the tension..Look at Brazil we don't go for war, in fact we don't have time to go to war. Another Brazilian guy is all about girls. He was in Czech republic and he confess that in one evening he had to propose around 25 girls those he couldn't resist without talking. So, I was obviously curious and asked him what happened man! Well, he replied back “mannn, you know none of them actually accept my proposal but you know I still managed to come back to brazil with 99% satisfaction as because I will not having guilty feeling that I could have a girlfriend if I would propose that girl”......I was thinking the guy is kind of lower version of Russel crow then why all the Czech girls refuse him. Then I realize the answer…hmmm make sense, who likes men?! As because women likes money so the only person really likes man are the gays?! One of my university friend from Latin America was asking me, mate I should climb the f***ing Everest. I don't know why he used the “F” words…actually forgot to ask him. What is the right answer for this kind of question? .....“Climb the highest mountain in the world – no biggy. You need about three years to train with no experience. Go in May to Kathmandu, Nepal. A low-budget attempt at the summit will still set up back $25,000 and where $10,000 for the permit. You came, you saw, you conquered. With that incredible view comes the title of “Legend”. You will be the talk of every party, men will admire you and women will desire you. Your only mission is to come back alive… but the WARNINGS…over 200 people have died trying this; you could be one of them! At least you went out in style.” Colombia, a country that is not as dangerous as most people think, but in which you can still get yourself killed if you try hard enough. So, take life easy. Whatever you do in your life time… doesn’t mean much anyway. Recently people claim them genius or game changer!! If anybody is considered as genius… then Isaac Newton was. In a short note, Newton revealed the nature of light which allow us to explore the universe, he enabled us to calculate motions and predict change, he refine the force which unite the whole world to a precise mathematical formula i.e. the universal law of gravity. He revealed us from the medieval darkness and lifts us to the enlightenment!?!? He was a difficult man, wasn’t communicative, and got easily offended......doesn’t talk with the persons who are worse than himself. In his lifetime he never talks about religion and alchemy openly but as a student of philosophy he had defiantly searching this two options strongly. Newton’s extreme obsession was to eliminate the way we understand the universe.. 1642, Christmas morning he born in Lincolnshire. From 1640’s there were all around massacre in great Britain and Charles were killed and people generally believed that world is come to an end. Is this the reason why all of Newton’s work was finding certainty... finding the truth that human brain can absolutely believe. His father was died few months before he was borne and then he was rejected by his mother who abandoned him when he was three to start a new family. He grew up with bible reading and spend time in the nature. .....was the man who lived his entire life inside his head. He don’t like anyone’s work, he like his own originality. As a school boy Newton’s innovative mind was as it work. He decided to invent of telling the time on his own way. He plotted the suns movement in every 15 mins which moves across his room wall...... the result is he can move to any room and tell what time it was by looking at the shadow of the walls. Light, space and time was already his play things. Newton’s teenage notebook mentioned no friends, instead it was filled with problems what he want to explore. His strange mother pulled him out of school when he was 17 to run the family firm.... But he was the most useless manager you could ever imagine and it was his uncle who suggested that he was too good, too talented to kept away from university. So, he packed up soon to move to Trinity College in Cambridge. He was drawn to natural philosophy; the study of the physical world, what we call now is science. In late 1700 century when Newton was a student, science was not held to a particular stream, there was no career in science as because science was not produced any fruitful results that can be used for. Newton’s professor taught the Aristotle concept of gravity and levity i.e. an apple has the gravity as because it had tendency to fall down, fire and smoke have levity as they rise to the heaven. Newton was ready to reject the 2000 years old scientific orthodox. He thought and believes that what other people is thinking is wrong, even when he was his early 21. He was destined to reform natural philosophy.... only believed what he could prove by himself. Natural philosophy cannot be found on meta physical opinion as its conclusion can only be proved by experiment. He want to know everything, he had an obsession with curiosity. By 1664 at 21 years of age Newton divide the curriculum by himself 45 topics that he obsessed him for rest of his life which he called by himself as certain philosophical questions. Heart of those are of time and eternity, sun and planet and comets, air, atoms, density, vacuum, reflections, attractions magnetism, attraction electrical, light of colors, heat and cold, gravity and levity, vision. And the rest is history from his work as we all know. Anyway, idea is to find out what Newton did, in his lifetime? From scientific point of view he gave precise mathematical explanation what people already knew but philosophical note he didn’t accomplish anything as he couldn’t reveal the fundamental question of what is the meaning of life. In his last several years Newton was so upset about his triumph that he didn’t want to show his face to the rest of the world. Last note Newton said, “I don’t know what I may appear to the world but to myself I am just a boy playing in the sea shore and amusing myself every now and then finding an ordinary sea shells. Will this whole sea shore be undiscovered in front of me? ” Okey then, What is the meaning of life for a normal person …… solving some fancy math equations, having a good position in a multinational company, earning a lot of money, love your friends and family, travelling around the world, try to be nice with people, try to be remembered, cleverly say to people “I do exactly what makes me happy, without even knowing what does it mean”…at the end of the day, who the hell cares!!! There are lots of crazy stuffs going on surrounding me. So, I kind of habituated with it... One of my friend calls me to join for a funeral of his best mate Dane. As usual I went with a complete black dress. There is a big crowd near the lake and everyone looks so serious!! After a while I found out the “Dane” is a fish from his aquarium….Goddd… What the hell I did in my previous life to deserve this! Anyway, I was only thinking about fish and it was like evening… so, when we are coming back I said, “Al’right, anyone fancy fish and chips” Mohammad Nur-A-Alam Bristol, United Kingdom 3rd November, 2013; Rainy day or Sunday

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