Google Glass continues to expand its head-mounted toolbox: The wearable computer now has stronger ties to both Google Calendar and Maps, letting you navigate to your home or workplace with just a few spoken commands. Google has also updated the FAQ for the device, saying it won't deactivate Glass if you sell it.
The XE11 software update, announced on Google+ and automatically pushed to Glass Explorers, connects Glass to your Google Calendar better than before, allowing the wearer to use easy voice commands to see impending appointments. To see your calendar, just say "OK Glass, Google" then a calendar-specific command like "my agenda" or "what am I doing this week?" The only catch is you have to have private search enabled on your Google account.
See also: 10 Simple Google Calendar Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Productivity
Google also improved how Maps work with Glass, letting users get directions to Home or Work as long as the user has specified those addresses. The next time you want to get home, just speak the normal "Directions" command and then say "Home." This is great, although we'd still love to see Google introduce better in-car integration.
XE11 includes a usability tweak as well: Now a long press on the touchpad will no longer activate Google search. It turned out users were activating the feature by accident too often. Not a big change, but it shows that Google is continuing to perfect the user experience of Glass before commercial launch , expected early next year.
If you're pairing Glass with an Android phone, you get an extra bonus: You can now start a screencast right from your notifications window without having to launch the app.
Finally, Google has updated its FAQ for Glass, first reported by Android Police. Google's terms of service for the device says it's forbidden to sell the Explorer Edition of Glass to someone else, but it also says it won't "brick" the device if you do. A few desperate developers might be breathing easier now.
The virtual screen that Google Glass shows you through the prism appears to be a display floating a few feet in front of you. Although it's obviously very tiny, Google says it's the equivalent of a 25-inch screen seen from 8 feet away.
The message screen "ok glass" is the most common one you see, since it activates whenever you tap the side or tilt your head up. The screen lets you know Glass is on and actively listening to your voice.
The most recent sports scores are just a single swipe away.
The screen is big enough to display a single sentence or simple text feedback extremely well. The font gets smaller for longer results, although it maxes out at about two sentences.
Although photos don't look great on Glass, you can easily discern the content, and they look much better when exported to other displays.
Most notifications involve both a headline and a photo, as with this one from Reddit.
The multicolor "spectrum" effect isn't visible to the eye -- it appears in this photo because it was taken outside and some sunlight was refracted.
The New York Times' notifications tell you how many articles are waiting. You can see them in a manner similar to the Reddit headlines by tapping the touchpad on the temple.
Here's what you see when you want to share something via Twitter. GlassTweet is a third-party app.
When you ask for directions, Glass first confirms the address.
Here's the UI for navigating with maps. The arrow moves as you turn your head.
Navigation in 2D gives you a bird's-eye view of the map.
Error messages are very clear.
The main settings screen lets you know if you're connected to Wi-Fi and how much battery power is left.
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Image: Mashable, Nina Frazier
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