From Everybody's Facebook Friend to Felon: The Sad Saga of ‘Batman Son of Suparman’
"It would appear that changing your name to sound like a superhero doesn't mean you're above the law.
The Caped Crusader, as conceived by the Last Son of Krypton, is trading his cape and cowl (or whatever he wears) for a prison jumpsuit as he's been sentenced to a jail term of almost three years, according to AFP News.
Allow us to explain, oh probably intrigued yet somewhat confused reader.
Batman bin Suparman, which translates to 'Batman son of Suparman,' is an unemployed Singaporean who legally changed his name to be a misspelled DC character hybrid. He's also now headed to the slammer for theft, housebreaking and drug offenses ... in, you know, real life."
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