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The 16 Cutest Families on Instagram

This mommy blogger with four children believes in "cherishing the light of childhood through play and love." Her photos capture the games and crafts her little ones complete every day.
Jeanne Chan's blog is equal parts style and family cuteness. Her little ones, Hayden and Hadley, are just an overload of adorable.
For some serious snow action, check out Lawny's Canadian family. She lives in a cabin with her husband, son and new baby girl.
Danni Remender's feed is full of bright, airy photos of her beautiful (and stylish!) children.
Over 2,000 users follow Brandy Mercredi's Instagram feed for outfit inspiration for kids and snapshots of daily life.
Jess Youngsma's captions are what make her profile. Hilarious as they are truthful, the peeks into her daily life are a breath of fresh air.
The only thing better than one adorable child? Two adorable children. See Tavvi and Trax, and their siblings Tyler, Tannyn and Tysi.
The author of the Bleubird blog doesn't just fill her Instagram with pictures of her children, but also showcases her husband, favorite products and outfits.
Portland-based photographer Margaret Jacobsen loves showcasing her beautiful children, poodle puppy and bearded husband as much as she does her models.
Alison Faulkner loves to show off her crafty projects and amazing desserts ... plus her ridiculously happy children.
Alyson Brown's son is not only the cutest thing ever, he also has the coolest name: Wolf. No, seriously. Follow his antics on her Instagram or her blog, Unruly Things.
All of Amanda Watters family photographs are shot from creative angles, with a softly muted filter. The effect is clean and stunning.
Highlights from Elizabeth Antonia's blog, The Littlest can be found on her Instagram, complete with pictures of her daughters, Francesca and Elodie.
Jessica Kraus and husband Mike created the popular House Inhabit teepees. She constantly features their hilarious sons, as well as her excellent taste in design, on her feed.
Lauren Jimeson is the answer to all those who insist you can't raise kids in New York City. Her feed captures the constant flurry of activity that she and her kids are taking part in.
Kristina's photos of her "tiny gentleman" son Atticus are too precious for words.
Farmer Jason and his wife, blogger at Five Chicks and a Farmer, document their idyllic life on Yonderway Farm, including their goofy daughters and a host of animals.
Instagram is the next frontier for today's mommy blogger. The photo sharing platform provides a nice supplement to their blogs, providing a nice glimpse into the family's daily life without much effort.
See also: 25 Most-Followed Users on Instagram [PICS]
We've rounded up the most adorable moms of Instagram, with their delightful families in tow. Skim through the gallery, but be warned: There are high levels of cuteness coming your way.
Image: Flickr, Chris Martin

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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