In the latest video of our Ask a Dev series, iOS director Ron Lisle shares helpful tips for designing image-heavy apps and finding iCloud code samples.
For an app that features many images, Lisles says developers can choose to go "native" — that is, design the app for a particular operating system or device (e.g. iOS 7 on an iPhone 5S). On a native app, the images would be included in the app itself.
See also: 20 Apps That Look Great on iOS 7
Since images take time to download on apps, Lisle recommends "lazy loading," or bringing the images into the background with Javascript, which downloads each image more quickly. He also suggests creating a "hybrid app," which builds a responsive web app using the open-source framework Phone Gap; this will allow images to be contained within the app instead of downloading them.
Later in the video, Lisle highlights resources where developers can find code samples for using the iCloud API, including Apple's developer site, and GitHub. You can also watch videos from Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference.
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Image: Thomas Coex/AFP/GettyImages
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