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How to Follow Mashable at CES 2014

Once again, the time has come for tech reporters, tech companies and technophiles to make the annual trek to Las Vegas for the International CES. Taking place this year from Jan. 5 to Jan. 10, the event hosts thousands of companies showcasing their products and prototypes.
See also: CES 2014: 5 Tech Trends to Watch
To say that CES is a huge event would be an understatement. It's impossible for one person to keep up with all the news, product launches and oddities seen around Vegas. To help with that, Mashable is at CES to cut through all the noise, and deliver the information you need to know.
Here's how you can follow along with Mashable at CES:
Our team will be providing real-time updates and perspectives from the International CES via Twitter. Follow our individual reporters on the ground, or subscribe to our “Mashable @ CES 2014” Twitter list:
• @LanceUlanoff
• @PetePachal
• @film_girl
• @HeySamantha
• @adariostrange
• @rlytle
• @thebeff
• @NinaFrazier
• @EvanEngel
• @MashableTech
In addition to our Twitter updates, we'll be active on Vine (follow Mashable Tech), Snapchat (add Mashable), Instagram (follow Mashable), Facebook (like Mashable – Tech) and Google+ (+1 Mashable).
If you’re looking for photos, as well as Vine and Instagram videos from CES, we’ll be collecting them from our team during the week, and curating them in the RebelMouse page, below.
Image: CEA

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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