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'The Washington Post' Was the Most-Tweeted Newspaper of 2013

The Washington Post generated the most content-driven tweets of any newspaper in 2013, racking up 275,193 tweets per week on average, just edging out the New York Times at 261,422 tweets per week.
The report from Searchmetrics highlights the newspapers and stories that generated the most tweets last year. USA Today's story "Texas gunman brain dead; may be tied to Colo. slayings" was the individual newspaper story with the most tweets of the year — a whopping 408,816.
See also: The Year in Twitter: Top Milestones of 2013
WaPo held the title for the next four most-tweeted articles in the list, with the paper's story on gunman Adam Lanza receiving 361,259 tweets.
Twitter has become an important part of media efforts to reach the widest possible audience. Pinterest also drives a large amount of traffic, but Facebook reigns among social media sites. A study from 2013 showed that 10.4% of all publisher traffic originated from Facebook.
Social media sites still pale in comparison to Google, which accounts for nearly 25% of all internet traffic, more than Facebook, Netflix and Twitter combined, according to internet analytics firm Deepfield.
Image: Leon Neal/AFP/Getty Images

সোর্স: http://mashable.com     দেখা হয়েছে ১০ বার

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