There's been a rumor flying around the web the past several days that flamboyant boxing superstar Floyd Mayweather, Jr., bet $10.4 million on the Denver Broncos to win Super Bowl XLVIII. That would have been a massive loss given the Broncos' dreadful performance on Sunday night.
But Mayweather says the whole story is bunk. Here's what he told Mashable through a spokesperson just after the game's final whistle:
Congratulations to the Seattle Seahawks for winning the Super Bowl. For the record, I did NOT bet $10 million on The Broncos. As a matter of fact, I didn't bet at alI. I can't control what rumors are put out there. But good or bad publicity keeps me relevant. The only thing I would bet $10 million on is MYSELF because from the looks of my record, I'm a guaranteed WIN!!! I’m focused on that, my company and my tech investments.
That's unlike the time he won $200,000 betting on Johnny Manziel then posted the receipt to prove it on Twitter.
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