আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


The Daft Punk and Jay Z Collaboration Is Happening

When word started spreading of a Daft Punk-Jay Z collaboration track yesterday we didn't bother posting it right away since nothing is ever real and everything turns out to be a viral marketing hoax to promote somebody's new TV show or something. But nope, by now "Computerized" has been vetted and confirmed a real thing, so you can safely listen without feeling like a sucker.
There was another rumor circling yesterday that Kanye West was involved with the production. That rumor turned to be false, and it's a bummer — the one downside of the track is that the production is pretty flat and probably could have been vastly improved with Kanye's help.
Pitchfork notes that the presence of rhyming about his Blackberry probably indicate Jay Z recorded the track before Samsung sponsored his last album "Magna Carta Holy Grail." Pretty crazy that we can use corporate endorsement to carbon-date art these days, eh? Anyway, listen below.

This article originally published at Death and Taxes here
Death and Taxes is a Mashable Publishing Partner covering indie music, news and politics.

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