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Teenager's Death Reignites Protests Across Turkey

Protests against Turkey's government flared up around the country after the death of a boy who had been unconscious since he was injured in the initial uprising last Summer.
Berkin Elvan, 15, was walking to get bread at a local store in Istanbul, Turkey's largest city, when a tear gas canister smashed into his skull, according to the BBC. He was in a coma for the 269 days that followed and withered to a mere 35 pounds before he died on Tuesday.
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Police fired water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds in Istanbul and Ankara, the nation's capital, much as they did when they tried to get rid of crowds last year. Eight people have now died as a result of the riots, which have spread across the nation, including one police officer.
Protesters in 2013 were initially angered by the government's plan to pave over Gezi Park in Istanbul, but the resulting government crackdown ignited an eruption of protests in cities across the country.
During Tuesday's unrest, someone hacked the Twitter account of Mustafa Varank, a high-ranking political adviser to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and began tweeting in solidarity with the protesters. The tweets, according to Hurriyet Daily News, implied that Erdoğan was ultimately responsible for Elvan's death because the prime minister could have called off the police.
Below, we've collected images from the scene.
People carry the coffin of Berkin Elvan, a Turkish teenager who was in a coma since being hit on the head by a tear gas canister fired by police during last summer's anti-government protests, in Istanbul, Turkey. The 15-year old Berkin Elvan’s death in an Istanbul hospital--nine months after he fell into a coma--looked likely to spark new protests in Turkey. Elvan, who turned 15 in January, was caught up in the protests on his way to buy bread.
Family members weep as people carry Elvan's coffin.
People gather to protest the Elvan's death.
Riot police fired tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets to disperse anti-government protesters trying to converge in central Ankara and Istanbul hours after Elvan’s family announced his death.
A protester throws a gas canister back to policemen during clashes with riot police in Kadıköy, a cosmopolitan district in Istanbul.
Riot police use water cannons to disperse people protesting against Elvan's death.
A protester holds a picture of Elvan during clashes with riot police in Kadıköy.
A protester wearing a gas mask stands in front of an empty bus during clashes with riot police in Kadıköy.
People protest the death of Elvan.
Another poster protesting Elvan's death.
A riot police officer fires toward protesters.
15-year-old Elvan’s death in an Istanbul hospital, nine months after he fell into a coma, sparked new protests in Istanbul, Turkey.
More people gather to protest Elvan's death.
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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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