আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman With a GoPro

The Internet has a barrage of GoPro videos. Some people may use the versatile camera for thrilling stunts or seeing the world from their pet's point of view, but nobody does a GoPro video like the Man of Steel.
Internet video production company Corridor Digital used drones to capture high-flying footage that mimics what Superman might see. The superhero soars over the bustling metropolis, fighting crime and rescuing citizens.
See also: Pelican With a GoPro Camera Offers Beautiful Bird's-eye View
Sadly, Superman's GoPro couldn't give a more in-depth tour of his Fortress of Solitude.

BONUS: 20 Entertaining YouTube Videos Under 20 Seconds

Apples and banahoahahshas.
Cuban Pete is king of the rumba beat.
Just needed a little exercise.
Hokey Pokey on repeat.
Typical Muppet reaction.
Gangnam Style + Star Wars = 11 Seconds of Awesome
Pugs are pretty scary.
No description needed.
Fur will fly.
Hoppity hop pug.
Trucking, trucking...whaaa?
Sometimes all you need is a few seconds of puppies.
High kicks.
This is why people are afraid of technology.
Now you know how to say hamburger.
Failed to watch for the red light.
Well, that was fun.
Luke tries to resist the Dark PSYde.

সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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