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It's All Fun and Games 'til Jimmy Kimmel Ruins Everything

One thing is for sure — someone's lying.
Jimmy Kimmel has made "Lie Witness News" into its own pseudo-franchise. The segment jabs at tropes like hipsters and fashionistas, seemingly pointing out a lack of brain power underneath those ironic mustaches and designer knits. But it’s comedy — so take a joke, right?
This stuff wins the laughs (and the Internet) — Kimmel didn't invent laughing at the stupidity of others. But, in recent weeks, a growing number of people who participated on the popular segment have raised questions about the realness of Kimmel's viral videos.
The claims range from doctored answers in post-production to being in on the gag.
Colleen McEachern, who appeared in last year's Super Bowl Edition of "Lie Witness News," spoke with Mashable about the experience.
"It is fake, but it's all in good fun! The people being interviewed know that the camera person is kidding," McEachern says.
In this edition of the series, the interviewer asked people about the big game a week before the event. McEachern says no one told her that her answers would appear on "Lie Witness News," but instead that they just wanted to ask her "a sports question for Jimmy Kimmel."

"I don't know if you can see it, but when I get asked the question, you can see that I'm trying to figure out what they want me to answer with. I knew that the Super Bowl was a week from that day, but I wanted to get on TV so I said something else!"
Trolling the troll — good move, Colleen.
McEachern pointed out that other people interviewed by Kimmel's team answered the question correctly, but did not make the video's cut. McEachern said that her roommate gave an accurate response, but was thanked by producers and left out of the segment.
Viewers suspected foul play on the Super Bowl video, but Kimmel backed the bit's authenticity on Twitter.
@jimmykimmel @katierawluk LMAO Jimmy c'mon. I was in the most recent Lie Witness News!! People are srsly asking me if I knew when the SB was
— Colz✋ (@what_itissbaby) February 1, 2013
Mashable also talked with someone who claims the show altered her answers in the Coachella edition of the series. Due to professional circumstances, she requested to preserve her anonymity for this story.
"It was fake. They replaced some of the band names in post and also used my description of other groups/bands as answers to other questions," she said. The participant claims that the filming crew explained what was happening halfway through the interview, and was asked to "play along."
"I figured, "Why not?' I doubted they were going to use my footage anyway," she says.
Despite being in on the joke, the participant did end up on the final cut, but in a way she says misrepresented her answers.
"My friends definitely called me out on it. Mostly everyone knew it was doctored though so everyone thought it was hilarious — present company included."

After speaking to these participants, Mashable contacted Jimmy Kimmel Live to ask about the skit's authenticity. The show denied any alteration to the segment.
"Jimmy Kimmel Live 'Lie Witness News' segments are 100% real. There is no absolutely no redubbing. Regardless of what these two people claim, we possess all of the original audio and responses," a representative says.
They also dismissed the possibility that the interviewees are in on the gag or coached.
"Producers do not prompt people in any way. What ends up on air is their genuine response to the questions asked."
Kimmel is a well-seasoned prankster who's made it a profession to fool people, so who is he trying to prank: the people in the video or the ones sharing it? And if it's funny, should we even care?
Redditors seem keen to uncovering the wizardry behind the "Lie Witness News" curtain. Some people who say they participated in the segment claim that they were in on the joke, and with a good sense of humor, agreed to play along. Others point to crafty editing and overdubbing.

Image: Reddit

Image: Reddit

Image: Reddit
Mashable made multiple attempts to reach the users claiming to be involved in the series. In some cases, there was no response, others did not want to elaborate publicly for the record.
The overdub accusation surfaces each time a new "Lie Witness News" video starts circulating and the interviewer's pristine audio sounds out of place. Viewers never see the person holding the microphone, but our source in the Coachella video claims the person who interviewed her had the same voice as the one in the video.
Of course, this is Jimmy Kimmel we're talking about, and everything requires a look with a skeptic eye. After all, he is the boy who not only cries wolf but plays with fire.
Whether it's overdubbing, people playing along, being coached to give the right answer or just doing anything to get on TV, "Lie Witness News" is sticking true to its name and someone is definitely lying.
And while we'd all like to believe in things like unicorns and Jimmy Kimmel, maybe it's time to put away the tin foil hats.

Additional reporting by Christine Erickson.

সোর্স: http://mashable.com     দেখা হয়েছে বার

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