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In Pictures, Strong Voter Turnout in Afghan Elections Despite Threats

Voters in Afghanistan turned out in higher numbers than expected for Saturday's presidential election, resulting in extended voting hours.

The Taliban had vowed to disrupt the electoral process with violent attacks throughout the day, according to The New York Times. Although one-eighth of all polling stations had to remain closed due to threats, however, the promise of mass violence did not materialize. Instead, Afghans lined up in the cold rain even before voting centers opened at 7 a.m. local time.

See also: AP Photographer Killed in Afghanistan: A Look Through Her Lens

Reports of deaths and injuries throughout the day vary, but Reuters reported that at least two voters died and 14 were wounded in Kunar province during isolated attacks at polling stations. Fourteen Taliban militants were also killed.

Dozens have died in the weeks leading up to the vote, Reuters said, but the Taliban has not managed to mount an attack during that truly threatened the political process.

Kabul, Afghanistan's capital, was sealed off by security forces during the vote. The entire Afghan military and police force provided security at polling stations on Saturday — some 350,000 officers and soldiers, according to multiple reports. They were accompanied by around 53,000 NATO coalition troops. Since 2001, the U.S. has spent $90 billion training Afghan security forces, according to The Times

Although there are eight presidential candidates, only three are considered frontrunners: former finance minister Ashraf Ghani and two past foreign ministers, Zalmay Rassoul and Abdullah Abdullah. A candidate must obtain over 50% of the vote to be declared the winner, but that is not expected to happen, which means there will likely be a runoff between the top two candidates. If that happens, the second round of voting likely won't occur until May 28, according to The Times.

We've collected photos from Afghanistan's election day, below:

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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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