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Koi Market offers koi pond spring cleaning

Koi Market offers essential steps in this two-part series for spring cleaning a koi pond cleaning and conditioning the water. "It is futile to add conditioners and treatments to ponds before they have been cleaned," said Shawn Rosen, owner of Koi Market. "The first and most important step in opening a koi pond is to give it a good spring cleaning." Koi ponds need to be thoroughly cleaned at least once a year. Rosen states that twice a year is best: a fall cleaning to prepare for winter months and again in the spring to open. Debris and leaves promote the infestation of parasites and bad bacteria in pond water. Prepare holding containers for the koi while pond is being cleaned. Mix one-part pond water and one-part dechlorinated water in a plastic container. Be sure to dechlorinate the water. Drain the pond to about halfway to make it easier to catch the fish. Remove the koi fish for safe keeping in the holding containers for safe keeping before begging pond cleaning. After koi are safely removed, spray the sides of pond and any surrounding rocks or water features being careful not to remove the green algae along the sides. "Green algae are little houses for good bacteria," explained Rosen. "This aids in balancing the ecosystem of the pond." Remove all settlement, debris and sludge which have accumulated at the bottom of the pond. Rosen explained that debris, such as leaves and sludge, house bad bacteria like Aeramonas which can cause ulcers and result in an ultimately death of koi if not treated. After debris is removed, check for damage to the pond and any accessories and components such as the koi pond filter and koi pond pump. This will be the time to make any repairs or changes to the pond.

সোর্স: http://www.somewhereinblog.net     দেখা হয়েছে ১৪ বার

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