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Snoop Dogg Fulfills Kate Upton's Hot Pocket Dreams

What do Kate Upton and Snoop Dogg have in common? A deep love of microwaveable meat-filled pastries.
In a bizarre new commercial for Hot Pockets, the model devours her microwaved snack before falling into a deep sleep. In her dreams, Snoop Dogg takes her on a musical ride through the sunny, garlic-filled world of Hot Pockets. They swing by "Snoop's Sky High Bakery" before heading to "Bigg's Butcher Shop," where they learn about the meats used in each pastry.
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Set to the melody of Biz Markie's 1989 hip-hop hit "Just a Friend," "You Got What I Eat" features praise for Snoop's "baking" skills, Upton dressed as a saloon girl and an 8-bit butcher. How these seemingly nonsensical pieces made it into this commercial is a mystery, though one thing is certain: You'll be totally craving Hot Pockets.
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Homepage Image: YouTube, hotpocketsbrand

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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