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Putin: Gays Welcome at Olympics if They 'Leave Kids Alone'

Russian president Vladimir Putin has a message for gay Olympic fans and athletes traveling to the Sochi Games: You're welcome to come — if you leave kids alone.
Putin made the comments Friday at a meeting with Olympics volunteers. Russia's harsh anti-homosexuality laws have come under increased scrutiny in recent months as athletes and sports fans — many of them gay — prepare to descend upon Sochi for the Winter Olympics that begin Feb. 7.
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A volunteer asked Putin on Friday about those laws and the social climate gay people and allies can expect at the Games, according to The Washington Post.
Putin's response: “One can feel calm and at ease. Just leave kids alone, please.”
If Putin's comment was meant to quell the controversy surrounding Russia's anti-homosexuality laws on the world stage, his apparent implication that gays in Sochi — even if just by openly acknowledging their sexuality — are a threat to children drew scorn from many.
"We have no ban on nontraditional sexual relations. We have a ban on propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia, I want to underline that, on propaganda among minors," Putin reportedly said Friday.
A Russian law passed last year banned "propaganda of nontraditional sexual practices" to children and teenagers. While not an outright ban on homosexuality, it essentially prohibits public discussion of gay life or gay rights in schools and media, as well as public events such as gay rights parades. Critics say it creates an inhumane living environment for gays in Russia.
Putin's enabling, and even encouraging, of anti-homosexuality legislation and sentiment in Russia has drawn criticism from many world leaders in the run-up to Sochi. Some leaders have said they will not attend the Games, and Barack Obama notably selected openly gay tennis icon Billie Jean King as one of the highest-profile members of the American delegation he will send to Sochi.
But, despite criticism from world leaders, athletes, media, sports fans and gay rights activists alike, Putin on Friday insisted that Russia has a more reasonable take on sexual mores than many countries. After all, he said, some nations have considered legalizing pedophilia.
“There is nothing secret about it," Putin said. "Look it up on the Internet and you’ll find it straightaway."
That's, um, not exactly true, Mr. Putin.

সোর্স: http://mashable.com     দেখা হয়েছে বার

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