আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


“ An e - mail from God ”

we need to read and understand the order given to us the QUR'AN and spread the TRUE message of ISLAM , The love for your fellow human, the respect for WOMEN, making world a Better Place “An e mail from God”- A poem by Shahid Athar O servants of God Young Muslims of today You wait impatiently everyday For e- mail messages of the day You log on several times a day It makes you feel good When you hear “you got mail” You cannot wait to read it Some messages are good From your friends and relatives But most are plain junk That waste your time You delete them fast Did you know 1400 years ago? God sent you a long e-mail Through Angel Gabriel of course Revealed upon the holy Prophet (p) Did you open that e-mail? Sub: Quran: the guide Did you down load that file? And book marked in your heart? Had you opened that e-mail You had read in it all The stories of the prophets sent The stories of nations destroyed There are warning to the mankind And guidance for your daily life Good news and hope for the future To bring you closer to God Now, every morning when you wake up Read this e-mail first Saved in Quran, al- Furqan Memorize and act upon Dear young Muslims The future of Islam

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।