আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


Establishing Khilafah is a Reality

There are four main reasons to reject the claim of those who say that establishing the Khilafah is an impossible task because the western powers headed by the U.S., Britain Russia and France could not be confronted by any other European capitalist state, let alone an Islamic state. These four reasons are: 1- The promise of Allah (SWT) to grant victory to the Muslims is a certainty, and it is reflected in His (SWT) words found in the chapter of An-Noor, verse 55 (already quoted). It is also reflected in the predictions of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) as mentioned earlier in the Ahadith foretelling the conquest of Rome, the liberation of Al-Quds, as well as the entry to the sacred mosque: Allah (SWT) says: [ Al-Isra' - 7 ] T.M.Q. "And to enter the sacred mosque as they had entered before." 2- Allah (SWT) has ordained the Muslim Ummah with intellectual, economic and geographical riches, which if united, would make her superior even if the rest of the world were to unite against her, due to her dominance over strategic waterways, international waters, and over lands which are rich in oil, gold, uranium, gas and other mineral resources; that is why the western powers are fighting over the control of our land. 3- The demographic and geographical distribution of the Islamic Ummah throughout the world. Whether in China where more than 200 million Muslims live, or in the Indian sub-continent where more than 500 million Muslims live, or in Africa or the Middle-East or the Arabic peninsula, would make it impossible for America to move against the Ummah, and it would be difficult for her to defeat the Muslims once the Khilafah state has risen and united them. Perhaps the Gulf war serves as the best example: It took the allied forces, headed by America about six months of careful planning before deciding to enter into conflict with Iraq, and if the Egyptian regime had not put its canal at the disposal of the allied forces, and if the Saudi regime as well as other Gulf puppets, and the Turkish regime had not done the same with their lands, the allied forces would not have been able to defeat Iraq. Israel is surrounded. Were it not for the absence of a Khaleefah providing a unified Islamic leadership, as was the case when Salahideen whipped the crusaders from our lands, the filth of Israel would never have come into existence, let alone managed to sustain itself for so many years. 4. The Ummah is rich in resources. Allah (SWT) has endowed us with plentiful supplies of resources for which the whole world craves and which could easily fund the spread of Islam. The Ummah has the world's largest stocks of oil, the "black gold" of this century - from Nigeria right across the world to the enormous oil field off the coast of Brunei. Massive reserves of gas exist in Algeria and the Gulf countries. Somalia is now known to have uranium. We have the rich fertile lands of Sudan, once known as the 'fruit bowl of Africa'; the 'Fertile Crescent', which cuts through the Middle East; the Malaysian soils and climate, which makes it a country where almost anything can be grown and which provides for so much of the world's rubber production; the renowned cotton of Egypt...... the list can go on and on. This brief survey reveals the great blessing and provision Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon us and shows us our strength and just how much the industrialised world is dependent upon us; and, given the right leadership, just how much these resources can be exploited to make Allah's word supreme on the earth. Conclusion: The Return of the Khilafah is in our Hands

সোর্স: http://www.somewhereinblog.net     দেখা হয়েছে বার

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