স্বপ্ন দেখি দেশকে এগিয়ে নেয়ার, আমার বিশ্বাস আমি পারব। A few days ago, an unexpected and sudden thing happened in Bangladesh. A group of Turkey deli gets came to Bangladesh using the special visa. What they did is totally surprising for Bangladesh. The met the ministers and visited the International crime tribunal with a special request. The base of the fact of request lies in 1971. The word is a global village now. We can simply know what is happening in the remote part of the world. That’s why we feel every country is our close neighbor. So it is very easy for someone or any country to know what is happening another country. 1971 is a very important time in the world politics. In 1971 the demand of independence of a country named Bangladesh (then East PAKISTAN -1947 to 1971) made worried a lot of country and many persons. Because, the West Pakistan or the Pak government did not want to lose a land of 1,47,570 km2 which was rich in geographical resources. They did not need the human beings of 1,47,570 km2 as they demanded the justice of living materials, education and other fundamental needs for living. That demand for justice made very costly for demanders of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). The cost was almost 3 million life and hundreds thousands of the victim of the rape by the Pak soldiers along with some native betrayers. A terrific mass killing occurred by the betrayer countrymen, who stood against justice. These native betrayers countrymen were then called “Rajakars and Albadars” means who work for the king (Here king refers to Pak govt.) but since they betrayed with their countrymen, they were called betrayers (Rajakars) or war criminals in Bangladesh. These betrayers have worstly harmed the justice seekers by handing over them to the soldiers as well as directly killing them. One example can be given here, Kader mullah, A rajakar killed 345 people and beheaded a female poet. During the Freedom Fight he was called the Butcher of Mirpur (Bangladesh) as he killed hundreds in this Mirpur area. They snatched millions of women for sexual abuse for the soldiers. They also planned to make the country brain less by killing the talents. Right then the America stood beside the criminals and killers. They even wanted to send their 7th naval core to help the killers but could not due to the Russia and India. 1971 raised interest to many countries like China, Saudi Arabia, Libya and many other countries. Turkey was then silent; they did not stood beside the justice seekers. Now, after a long period of 42yrs when the killers /war criminals who killed thousands has been put into trial for their crime, Turkey has stood with a clemency letter to save the war criminals and the killers. It is really unbelievable and rare in world that a country has interrupted directly in the internal affairs of another country in such a manner. They (Turkey govt.) stood directly against the justice and humanity. It was totally unexpected that a secular country like Turkey will do so and make the citizens of Bangladesh extremely unhappy and angry. This fact has raised a question to turkey. Are they really secular and do want justice in world? The answer may be not. If they were towards the justice, where was Turkey, when 12human being was beheaded in Saudi Arabia? Their (the 12 persons) crime was, to survive they robbed a bank. Here “to survive” means they were foreign workers and was badly betrayed, they had no money, no job, no relative. Without doing so they may not survive. During robbing one was killed. Was it such a crime that without judging anything the Saudi govt. declared to behead all the 12 in front of thousands? Then, why did not Turkey went to Saudi govt. to save the helpless human beings? Why are they silent in the massive killing of common people in Syria, their neighbor? Why are not they standing beside the demand of justice in Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Tunisia? Why were they silent in the worldwide mass killings? They will not stand by the justice, because they want politics and political stand not justice. Their standing beside the war criminals has been proved wrong by millions of Bangladesh citizens who have protested against the war criminals. They (Citizens of Bangladesh) want the extreme punishment of war criminals. Now, Bangladeshi citizens also want that, turkey must apologize to the Bangladesh for hurting their emotion. If Turkey apologies to Bangladesh, worlds justice seeker will realize that Turkey have started to realize their mistakes, and from now on they will stand for the justice.
অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।