আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


অ্যাগোনি অফ আ গার্ল, ওয়ান অ্যামোঙ দ্য থাউজেন্ডস অব ইভ টিজিং ভিক্টিমস!

বাংলা একটা ব্লগে ইংরেজি একটা শিরোনাম দেয়ার জন্য মাইনাস খাবার যথেষ্ট সম্ভাবনা থাকা সত্বেও এর থেকে উপযুক্ততার দিক থেকে অধিকতর ভালো কিছু না পাওয়ায় চোখ-কান-মুখ বুজে সামনের দিকে এগোচ্ছি। ইভ টিজিং নিয়া নতুন কিছু বলার নাই, এই ব্লগে অন্তত: শতখানেক পোস্ট পড়ছে এই টপিক নিয়া। হাজারখানের রিপোর্ট ছাপা হয়েছে শতাধিক পত্রিকার পাতায়, ছোট বড় মানববন্ধন হয়েছে সেও শতাধিক হবে নিশ্চিত। লাখখানেক মেয়ে বিছানায় উপুর হয়ে কেদেছে, বাথরুমে শাওয়ারের নিচে দাড়িয়ে সারা শরীর সাবান দিয়ে ঘষে ঘষে চামড়া তুলে ফেলার চেষ্টা করেছে, মনে হচ্ছে, আরেকটু সুন্দর হবার চেষ্টাটুকু না করলেই কি হতো না? অথবা কি দরকার ছিল মেয়ে হয়ে জন্মাবার? তবে এর মাঝেও ব্যতিক্রম চিন্তা করে কেউ কেউ। ইভ টিজিং এর এত হাজার ঘটনা আর তোলপাড়ের মধ্যেও কোন মেয়ে কি নেই যে ইভ টিজারদের নিরব ফলো করাকে কিংবা নিরীহ দুএকটা কমেন্ট ছুড়ে দিয়ে তার দৃষ্টি আকর্ষন চেষ্টাকে মনে মনে তারিফ না করে পারছে না? অবশ্যই আছে, এই পোস্টা তাই তাদের জন্য না। কি কষ্ট একজন ভিক্টিমের? আমি বলবো না, ফেসবুকের এই নোটটা পড়ে দেখতে পারেন? আলোচনা করতে পারেন, আর পারেন এই নোটটাকে শেয়ার করতে, ছড়িয়ে দিতে আরও মানুষের কাছে, প্রশ্নগুলো ছুড়ে দিন, তবেই না উত্তর পাওয়া যাবে। আমরা যারা ইভটিজিং নিয়ে এই মুহুর্তে খুব জোরেশোরে প্রচারণা করে যাচ্ছি, মানববন্ধনে দাড়িয়ে মনে করছি, বাহ্ এইতো একটা ভালো কাজে শরীক হলাম, এবার আমাদের বোনরা ঠিক রক্ষা পাবে , তাদের কতজন বুকে হাত দিয়ে বলতে পারবো - এই নোটে যতগুলো প্রশ্ন করা হয়েছে তার সবকয়টির সন্তোষজনক জবাব আমি দিতে পেরেছি? অনেকেই হয়তো দেখতে পারছেন না, তাদের জন্য ... truth about us Would you choose to be a boy rather than a girl if you get another unique chance of life? That’s a question toward girls! And I am sure many would answer yes! But in spite of being a girl, my answer would be “NO”. I am a girl with my normal stuffs and so called social problems. But I not only choose to be a girl, rather I prefer, though I face so many bad things, threats, obstacles, misbehaviors, insults and so many other things which I don’t even know how to address. And the most bad thing about that is, these come not only from the uneducated people, I hate to say that so called literate class also have contributions in that. That cannot be the scenario of a cultured society or country. But fact is rude. Every day, every other second, every other girl is getting harassed or teased by someone. Boys have independence of wearing anything they want, even if they wear nothing, that is never an issue! They are changing their clothes without any botheration. They are peeing wherever they want. They are touching a girl’s body as if that’s their property. Why is that? Why is that? Then if we wear something that comforts us what is harm in that? Saree - some people say the perfect dress for ladies, but it doesn’t even give us comfort not even it covers the hole body. In spite of showing our belly, neck, and back, if we wear a turtle neck full sleeve T-shirt with full length jeans that won’t show anything, but we would become uncontrolled and uncultured! What hypocrisy is that? We always have heard that God ordered that ladies have to cover their body well. We hardly hear anything about boys covering. Yes God asked us to obey his rules, but before he wrote about our covering, he wrote about boys that they must cover their body well! But did anyone tell you that!? No. They won’t! Because it’s not the almighty that discriminate, and I guess you know who! Here I want to request you to watch a movie named Stoning of Soraya M. many things would be clear. If the people around us, friend, brothers, cousins, relatives view us as food or as their properties then what is their parents teaching them? And where is the value of what they are taught? Why for God’s sake they would think us as food? Do we girls think alike? I don’t think so. If God made us beautiful then it’s not our fault, and does that not indicate that he created us with care and boys should think twice before doing any bad things to us? When I was born, my grandmother happened to be so upset because she expected a boy. That’s a normal prospect but it bleeds like hell when you come to know about that. The very moment I’ve started my life, my presence made someone unhappy! My presence was not welcomed! I got my first attack being a girl. That’s how the lives of many girls start! And it keeps going with so many heart breaking things from her family, friends, relatives, unknown people, boy-friend, husband, and in-laws. Anyway I am supposed to write about eve teasing. See, a girl, no, in point of fact, every girl has so many uncountable secrets, which, is not that she doesn’t share, the reality is she can’t share. Girls of country like ours have less fascination about sex; moreover they are terrified about that. The reasons are many! Most of them get their first strike from their very own relatives or friends of relatives. That’s at a very premature age! Then a girl start going to school and faces bizarre looks from the people around her. One of her teachers tries to be especially compassionate for her, and for that reason touches her here and there, as if unintentionally, but consciously anyway, street boys are passing comments regarding her physical structure, even a well-dressed educated person sitting in a lavish car winking a girl sitting in a rickshaw, walking along a busy street a man touches a girl’s body. Why all these we have to face? Why are we treated that way as we are half of a man? If God has that wish, he would have created us that way, with one hand, one leg, half portion of brain, one kidney. But he created us equally. Rather he blessed us with a heavenly power of giving birth which a boy can never do. Then why we are treated that way? Why the hell are we treated as if we are useless, valueless? Why are we counted as a plaything? While getting that bloody pleasure why they don’t think of how a girl feels about that activity and about that bustard? Do they know how much we hate them, curse them and their family? Opposite will always attract but attraction should not be like what it has become - a social disease. Making a bad noise while I am walking on a road; make me feel cry, sometimes make me curse that person, make me curse my country; make me hate the living thing called boy/men. Staring and observing allover a girl’s body till she can be seen walking through a road is a very common and sickening thing in our life. Feels like jump over that guy, but while doing so, they never think how the girl feels about it. Touching a girl’s body makes her feel like dying. Why don’t they think how would they feel if he were not he, rather he were a she! How would he feel if someone does the same with his mom or sis or even with his wife in front of him? As I wrote earlier, it’s not that only uneducated people are doing because they are not enlightened with knowledge, rather so called academically educated people are also doing the same. Then where is the value they are showing to the knowledge they achieved? Where is the respect they are giving to the pain that their mother had to go through for giving them life? Where is the dignity? We think that education enlightens us, but not always, not for all. Do we comment while they just zip out anywhere and start to pee? But we should. They should be beaten in public. If we can control our feelings, need and necessities then what the hell creature they are that they can’t? But the pain is that, while a girl shout against teasing people around her takes the side of the man who did that, not the girls. They even help that bustard to escape from the spot. Being a girl I can’t even write what I want to write! I can’t do what I want to do. I can’t ride cycle cause I am born as a girl. I can’t walk alone at night if I am upset sometime. I can’t do so many things. I have to think what people think about it! Whether they would accept it or just spit out on me! The problem of eve teasing, I think, is not only lack of good education, rather it’s because our social system. We don’t allow our daughters or sisters to make friend with boys. Attraction for forbidden things is very hard to deny, even the first couple on earth, Adam and eve had to come to earth because of that, so that drives boys and girls go crazy to know and discover each other. Some gets that chance and some doesn’t. Those who does, they are less enthusiastic in teasing and doing bad stuffs. Reading books is also a very good practice that opens a new door that keeps them busy; at least, they are illuminated enough about how to treat a girl. Parents’ contribution is also a vital point here. A well educated mother teaches her babies about that. But those who doesn’t, they get frustrated to get one. And when they don’t, they go fanatical. That’s what drive them crazy and tease girls on road. Some gets pleasure out of that and learns from their elder street brothers. Parents have to be conscious about with whom their children are making friends. But strict restriction will have totally opposite reaction and result. My school was co-education, I were given freedom, if I am not spoilt that definitely because of my parents and teachers contribution, their endeavor, and willingness. And I am so indebted to them. The very things I was restricted to that used to make me go crazy and I just get to go mad to break the law. That’s what goes on the minds of us. But when I was told calmly, and asked not to do so I understood and left doing that. The parents have to understand us according to our age and we have to build a good ethics. Friendship is good thing but parent make it complicated by restricting them of making friends. Yes they do so because they are concerned about their children, they can consult and make them understand serenely instead of rushing on them. It is now a big issue, everyone has to contribute to solve this problem. Everyone has to be taught to love one’s self. My dignity means everything to me. I, at no cost can risk it. People should think before doing anything that how would other will think. Finally, I just want to request all the boys that just think what you’ve done, try to be sorry if you did anything wrong alike, and think twice if you are just about to say any bad word or make any bad noise to a girl, who, you don’t even know how many pains she already been bearing through her life. Treat us as we are the very other creation of almighty God just like you. Nothing else. We don’t need extra attention or any other thing. Accept us just the way we are like what we do with you guys.

এর পর.....

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।