আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন



- How are you Reza? How is everything going on there? - Thank you sir. Everything is ok and I am also good. - Sit down. Have you started your class? - No sir, not yet. Looking fo a platform and little tense also. - Don’t worry. Always remember in this world “nothing is permanent, only change is permanent”. The conversation was with a noble man who have seen the life from various dimension and gained diverse experience from a long journey. He is right. Even we all know that it’s true. But when we think deeply, find something interesting. Really, everything is changing. Every species in this planet are changing in size, colour and structure. Every element is changing either naturally or artificially. Some things are being transformed day by day from one format to another. Earth is changing in shape and geographically. So called global warming is also a change of its weather. Usually we can’t feel the happening of change. Most often change come to our eyes with facts and result. Not only earth, even the whole universe is moving in every second but we can’t feel it. Our nature is changing. We don’t think same way at all time. It seems odd to me when I think about my previous aged mentality. What I thought in childhood and teenage time, become wrong to me now. Even two years back my mentality doesn’t match with my current thinking style. Now I can’t support the explanation about society and life that was thought by me and for me, few years ago. Before a time period those questions raised in my mind, those issues hit me always, now become worthless or less important to me. Sometime my current nature becomes anti of my previous. Within a time period we stand against our self. This is because of changing our learning age and knowledge. Our behaviour is changing with the change of our position, situation and status. Two friends never talk in same way before and after when one of them get promotion and be superior of another. Policy has changed with change of power and leader. We make slogan for change. Start from individual we call for nation’s change, corporate change and do research on how to change. Study on business development and change, country’s economic change. A father of low income and big sized family always tense and tries hard to change his economic condition. Always shows dream to his sons to be special, to be wealthy with bright career. Always expect and look forward for a changed status in society. We hope for change in relation among us, start from relation with each other, relation among family members, relatives, neighbours, diplomatic relation among countries. Change happen in our lifestyle, trend, understanding, believes and ideas. Manufacturers frequently change their products type, and design due to change of consumer’s taste and choice. Change is happening in culture and society.......globalization, migration leads us to a dramatic change with diversification. Life is a race and we all are running. Or life is a theatre where we all are acting and rolling certain part and character. Two explanations come from two sides of people although both are realistic in type. Whatever life is reality or mystery, we are changing or being changed every day, every hour, every minute and second. Within a nano- second we change our mind due to the puzzle of choice, yes or no and do or don’t do. However, rarely we justify this change, verify it and do evaluation. We expect our status permanently. If we say life is a race or theatre, we are entering in birth door and exit in death door. It’s a continuous system; coming, playing and leaving. In every station we try to do some arrangement, organize own garden with decoration. Limited space and scope with unlimited destination, so start fighting with each other, to be superior, to be first. Nobody wants to stay behind, nobody want to lose. The result is everybody has to fight; do or die. This is a ground of competition. If anyone stops, society and reality will kick him and keep a side. We don’t care who is our opposite or is it good or bad what we are doing, or is it ethical or unethical? No chance to show sympathy or empathy to my partners. I have to go up of success ladder with using someone’s shoulder. Even if we know we cares we have to keep the eyes close and go ahead. Is it to survive or to win that is a complicated question? Now I am dreaming of a revolutionary change. Yes, a big change that lets us to realize the facts of change..........a change in mass mind to think about peace unity and solidarity. I want to be close with people around me, my family members, friends, colleagues and neighbour......want to reduce the distance of understanding with them. We dream of a change of distance between communities. People will think for each other, a group will think about the group of opposite side of fence. We won’t be divided anymore with politics, race, colour, religion, ideology or any other man made divider. We want to walk together with a single identification, as a human. A pilot of supersonic Mig-29 will think for a while before press red button.........before be a guilty of a big massacred in ground. A rebel will stop before start firing or make a destruction plan, a suicide bombers look at faces around him. Two groups will stop for a while before start fighting. What if they change their mind and find another solution. What if we stop writing against and blaming each other? Why can’t we stop using mass media as weapon against opposite believers? Use knowledge, pan and ink to poke those who don’t support my believe, party or group. Shouldn’t we stop criticism, aggressiveness and extreme behaviour that create a vast distance and leads to violations? We need change of this trend......trend of position and opposition, trend of grouping, trend of ours and yours. Because it minimise chance of being close with each other, knowing each other and sustaining a peaceful environment. Now I confuse about this dream. Is it immature and pointless? Will it change after a certain time with change my position and understanding and believe? May be....I can’t predict about it. I am also changing.........

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।