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INFORMED CONSENT FORM QUESTIONNAIRE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION Brief: The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data for developing an Information system strategy for Bangladeshi SMEs. This questionnaire is part of the MSc Dissertation based at the University of Gloucestershire. The information provided will be used as the foundation for the preparation of a research dissertation. This will help to analyze the company’s information system and try to establish an effective Information system strategy given the perspective of developing country. All the responses and the reports results will be kept strictly confidential. Thank you for your assistance. Participant Signature _______________________________________ Date ___________________ How to answers this questionnaire 1 Please use capital letters where appropriate AAA not aaa 2 Use either blue or black ink BLUE or BLACK 3 Tick the answer boxes where appropriate 4 Give one answer per question unless specified 5 You may use the ‘Notes’ To add any further information regarding any of the questions. To be filled out by interviewee Company Name: Address: Name: Email: Job Title: Tel: Section A : Company Information General questions about the company. The answers from this question will be used to find out the company size and business growth Q1 In total how many employees have you got? Q2 How many of these are in the I.T department? Q3 Can you tell about the total turnover of our company in last year? Q4 Can you discuss in the box provided about your I.C.T systems and Information sytem strategies at this time? Section B : Company Process These questions are intended to explore the company’s main business processes. Q1 What is your company’s core business? Q2 What are your company’s main process and acquites? Section C: The information systems These questions are intended to explore the company’s information system structure. The table in question one has a list of all known information systems and a list of relevant package types. Once completed this table will show a cross reference of all the systems within the company and what kind of package they are run under. Q1 Do you have information systems for the following How to fill out this cross-reference grid. 1. In the correct box please write what the type of package or system used for each function. Package Types Any programs such as Microsoft Excel and Access which has been edited in house and any specific software package or system. Is the software package connected to other systems? Please specify which other software systems it is connected to. Is the software package part of a central system? For example is it a server for data storage that integrates with other systems. - Please specify which type of server i.e. mainframe or PC based system. Information System Purchase ledger Sales ledger/ Invoicing Nominal ledger Asset Control/Management Payroll – HR Management Sales order processing (including invoicing) Telemarketing/ Call centre Customer Relationship Management Planning Stock Control & Inventory Management Purchasing Sales Forecasting MRP/Production scheduling Plant Maintenance Data Warehouse Other Please specify: Q2 Are the following bits of information available in existing system? If yes, then please specify which systembr /> Gross margin or profit, percentages Incurred expenditure Turnover, net income Budget for fiscal year Administration expenses & Operating expenses Employee information Number of employees & Salary, increments, pension data Inventory, material reserve data Design Change orders, work orders, etc Gross profit by account, product, & location Pricing and discount for volume buy-out Sales forecast (number of units) Commissions, sales and administration fees Competition – Sales, Market share Advertising and promotions Section D: Current Systems Status, Investment and Architecture This section explores the current state of the hard ware and software used internally in all departments. Q1 How much you have invested in your IT systems in total past 5 years? Hardware Software Q2 Do you update your IT systems in every financial year? If yes then what proportion of this is for hardware and software? Yes Hardware Software No Q3 Please Show here the number of the following items that have been part of your IS/IT investment in recent years. New Upgraded Hardware Workstations/ PCs Laptops Servers Networks Other please specify: Software Purchase ledger Sales ledger/ Invoicing Nominal ledger Asset Control/Management Payroll – HR Management Sales order processing Telemarketing/ Call centre Customer Relationship Management Planning Stock Control & Inventory Management Purchasing Sales Forecasting MRP/Production scheduling Plant Maintenance Data Warehouse Other Please specify: Section E: Business Information This section addresses any issues that the company may have with their current systems. Q1 How long you been doing business in Bangladesh? 1-5 years 5-10 years 10 or more Q2 How much do you spend for training your staff each year? Q3 Do you have any other Branch? If yes then how many? Yes 1 More than 1 No Q4 If you have more that one Branch then how do you store the sales information? Centrally Locally Q5 If you have more that one Branch then how do you store the stock information? Centrally Locally Q6 If you have more that one Branch then how do you store the HR and Payroll information? Centrally Locally Q7 Can the people of from different Branches interect with each other? If yes then Yes Using the company’s intranet Using the third party vendor No Q8 Do you have problems sending data and receiving data from internal computer systems such as Sage to excel or stock to finance? Please give detailsbr /> Yes No Q9 Are you aware of any issues regarding any stored data? For example what data is paper based and what is digitized, are there any issues in editing and accessing this information? Yes No Q10 Are you aware of any issues regarding the consistency and accuracy of data among systems? For example amending a customer invoice if they have been over or under charged or if their status has changed. Or a Paper based system that takes and edits data from a computerized system and then inputs them back into a computerized system in another department. Yes No Section F: Communications and E-Business The questions in this section are geared towards business to business systems relationship as well as customer to business communications. Q1 Do you have your own website? If yes then perpose of website Yes Marketing Customer interaction Both No Q2 Does the website have any content which gets regularly updated and managed? Yes No Q3 Do you provide any opportunity to the customer so that they can interect with the company directly? If yes then Yes Online (by email or filling the feedback form) Traditional system ( Sending letter/ physical meeting) No Q4 Can your customesr buy any of your products online? Yes No Q5 If the previous answer is yes, then what is the ratio between online selling and direct selling? Q6 Do you provide any opportunity to the customer, so the they can design their own product? If yes, then how Yes Online feedback Physically Both No Q7 Do you keep relationship with your existing customer? If yes then Yes Sending them letter about the promotional offers By sending e-mail Though a phone call or txt message No Q8 Do you take any kind of help In IT sector from the outsourcing service provider? Yes No Section G: Future Investment Plans This section addresses any issues that the company may have with their future investment. Q1 Are there any plans to bring improvement or change in the current Information systems? If so, please detail Q2 Further Comments or information regarding the company IT system THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND YOUR COOPERATION If you have any questions regarding this questionnaire please contact me using the following methods. Address: Email: MSN: Mobile no:

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।

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