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Fundamental beliefs of Christians

আমি চাই শক্তিশালী স্বাধীন-সার্বভৌম বাংলাদেশ

Fundamental beliefs of Christians Let me first clarify a fact to the readers that the word 'God' doesn't exist anywhere in any religious book in its original language. Yet some ignorant people blindly believe that the name of Islamic God is Allah (Arabic), the name of Hindu God is Ishwar/Bhagwan (Sanskrit), but the name of Christian God is God (English)! They are not even aware of the fact that Moses and Jesus never spoke English! These gullible people have been brainwashed by Missionaries' propaganda. Christian Missionaries used to propagate a lie that Allah is not God even knowing the fact that Jesus never used the word 'God' during his lifetime nor does it exist in the Bible in its original language! They even try to hide the fact that Arab Jews and Christians use the word Allah, and not God, to mean the Creator of the Universe! Most interestingly, they propagate another lie that Allah is a moon god even knowing the fact that Arab Jews and Christians believe in the same Allah as Muslims do and the word Allah can also be found throughout the Arabic Bible! Does it then mean that Arab Jews and Christians also worship a moon god? Christian Missionaries will answer with a big NO! What kind of hypocrisy is this! Moreover, they are either ignorant about the Quran or they deliberately lie against Islam when they say that Muslims worship a moon god (41:47, 31:29, 35:13, 14:33, 16:12). They always try to put some idiotic stuff in Muslims' mouth that Muslims never believe in it! They have also given an impression to the western world that Muslims believe in an Arab God, Hindus believe in an Indian God, but Christians believe in an English (British/American) God! They have even tried to give an impression to the western world that Jesus was a blond hair white English man (or God?)! Such a racist people they are! Having been brainwashed by their lies and propaganda, some poor and obedient slaves from 'Muslim' background also propagate the same trash to please their masters! These poor folks do not know that 'God' is not a name of any Supreme Deity! In fact, the word 'God' is a misnomer and one can also play mischief with this word. For example: it can be masculine; it can be feminine; it can be singular; it can be plural; etc. Even by flipping the letters of 'God', one can make it 'Dog'! That's why Muslims prefer not to use the word 'God' to mean the Creator of the Universe. Some facts about Christianity: The word 'Bible' is not in the Bible! The word 'Christianity' doesn't exist anywhere in the Bible (OT & NT)! Jesus never preached any religion by the name of 'Christianity' either! Even the word 'Jesus' doesn't exist in the Bible in its original language! Jesus never even heard the word 'Jesus' during his lifetime! He never preached the doctrines like Holy Trinity and Original Sin. The word 'Trinity' doesn't exist in the New Testament. Jesus himself never claimed to be Creator of the Universe in human form or the begotten Son of Creator, the way Christians believe in him! He never told his followers to worship him. In fact, he used to pray to God putting his forehead on the ground (Matthew 26:39, 14:23). If this is the case then where did the words like 'Christianity' and 'Trinity' come from? And what religion did Jesus preach? If it was not Islam (i.e. surrender to Creator's Will) then what is? Well, there is solid evidence in the New Testament that proves without any doubt that Jesus used to preach Islam. The Arabic word 'Islam' means "surrender to Creator’s Will". It also means Peace. One who peacefully surrenders his/her will to the Will of Creator is called Muslim. Jesus also surrendered his will to the Will of Creator (aka Father, according to NT), and as such he was a Muslim (in Faith) and a Jew (in race): Jesus said: "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father {sounds like Islam?}." (John 5:30) Fundamental beliefs of Christians 1. Original Sin As we all know many Christians believe in the doctrine of Original Sin, that all humans are born with sin, and that we are basically stained from birth. Much like some other Christian beliefs, the doctrine of Original Sin has no real basis within the Bible, and is merely an invention by the Church and Christians, much like the Trinity and divinity of Jesus. The doctrine of Original Sin defies logic, rationality, and common sense either. It's also an unethical belief. Humans are not born with sin! It's simply ridiculous. Original sin doesn't even spare the new born babies as it teaches that ALL humans are born with sins, naturally this includes babies and children! Jesus himself never preached the doctrine of Original Sin. Even the Bible itself speaks against this doctrine (Ezekiel 18:20; Matthew 18:1-4). That's why the Quran has rejected this kind of unethical and irrational doctrine that has nothing to do with the true teaching of Jesus (Quran 17:15, 6:164, etc.). 2. Holy Trinity Christian belief about Holy Trinity: - Father is a God, Son is a God, and Holy Ghost is a God; yet there are not three Gods, only one God! (Christians do not seem to know simple math, although they are expert in science and technology!) - Father is an Almighty, Son is an Almighty, and Holy Ghost is an Almighty; yet there are not three Almighty, only one Almighty! (Christians also seem to be weak in logic and rationality! ) - Father is a Person, Son is a Person, and Holy Ghost is a Person; yet there are not three Persons, only one Person! (Once again Christians do not seem to know simple math! Or, maybe, they have three Gods in their mind but they feel shy to admit it in public!) Now, firstly and most importantly, Jesus himself never taught the so-called Holy Trinity. Neither did Abraham, Moses, David et al. preaches anything like that. Secondly, the so-called Holy Trinity doesn't make any sense at all as it's a logical impossibility. That's the reason Quran has strongly rejected the illogical and irrational doctrine of Holy Trinity that has nothing to do with the true teaching of Jesus (Quran 4:171, 5:73, etc.). Here is the logical (aka Islamic) solution of Holy Trinity: Father = God the Creator; Son (Jesus) = Prophet of God (Matthew 21:11, Luke 24:19); Holy Ghost = Arch Angel Gabriel. The 'mystery' of Holy Trinity is solved! 3. Divinity of Jesus (i.e. God became man!) Many Christians believe that Jesus was fully God (Creator of the Universe) and fully man at the same time! Now, the first and foremost point is that Jesus himself never claimed to be Creator of the Universe in human form. If this is the case then it's truly nonsensical to believe in him as Creator of the Universe in the first place! Secondly, this kind of belief defies all sorts of logic, rationality, and common sense. A human cannot be the Creator of the Universe and a human at the same time! Even the Bible says that God is not a man (Numbers 23:19)! Nor does the Creator of the Universe beget son. It's indeed ridiculous. That's why Quran has strongly opposed this kind of irrational and perverted belief that has nothing to do with the true teaching of Jesus (Quran 10:68, 5:75, 2:116, 19:35, 112:1-4, 5:75, etc). 4. Jesus (God?) died for the sins of the world! According to Christians, you are a born sinner and as such destined to hell! Therefore, God died for your sins to save you from eternal hellfire! He loves you! Although it might convince some emotional or gullible people but this is the stupidest belief ever! God died for your sins! Sounds like Christians have no more God! This is probably one of the greatest lies for all times. Christian Church have invented this lie to justify the irrational doctrine of Original Sin. But the fact is that Jesus didn't die for anyone's sin (no one ever told him to commit suicide for others' crime either!). Rather he was brutally crucified by his enemies (i.e. Jews, according to Christian belief). In fact, according to the Bible, Jesus didn't want to die at all! He was crying on the cross like a helpless man and begging his life to Eloi (Allah in Arabic): Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? " - which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34) Allah saved him (Jesus) from his enemies (Quran 4:157-158). Do Christian Missionaries really believe that Jesus died for the crimes of Pharaoh, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ghengis Khan, Bush, Saddam, L.K. Advani, Narendra Modi, Bin Laden, and all those terrorists, rapists, killers, and suicide bombers? I don't think so! Yet they try to convert poor and gullible people into Christianity saying that Jesus died for their sins! So, they seem to be playing a deceptive role! Anyway, the Bible itself proves that Jesus is not God. Rather he was a man (Acts 2:22) and a prophet (Matthew 21:11, Luke 24:19). That's exactly what the Quran says about Jesus. So, Muslims are the true follower of Jesus. There are so many Biblical verses that prove that Jesus cannot anyway be the Creator of the Universe (John 14:28, 10:29, 5:30, 14:24, 8:42, 20:17; Matthew 7:21, 12:28, 26:39, 4:1; Mark 10:18, 13:32, 12:29; Numbers 23:19; etc). It is therefore seen that the fundamental beliefs of Christianity have no logical, rational, and authentic basis at all. Where did the doctrines like Original Sin, Holy Trinity, and Jesus' divinity come from then? Well, they were invented by Paul to destroy the true teachings of Jesus for political purpose. In fact, the Bible warns of many false prophets. On the other hand, Quran preserves the true image and the true teachings of Jesus. Prophet Muhammad was, in fact, a natural successor of Prophet Jesus (John 16:7-9, John 16:12-13). Moreover, the Bible is full of hatred, racism, slavery, anti-women, honor killing, witch burning, apostate killing, blasphemer killing, unbeliever killing, war, terrorism, genocide on women-children- animals, superstition, inconsistency, scientific blunders, etc. To hide all these bitter facts, Christian Missionaries are trying their best to link Islam with terrorism, extremism, suicide bombing, etc. even though the Quran has strongly condemned terrorism, extremism, suicide bombing, and all sorts of injustice with no uncertain terms (Quran 4:75, 22:39-40, 9:13-14, 42:39-43, 38:28, 2:190-193, 5:32, 2:195, 4:29-30, 4:91-93, 17:31, 17:33, 6:151, 25:68, 3:21, 60:7-9, 2:190, 6:107-8, 6:68, 49:11, 39:3, 16:126-128, 73:10, 19:46-47, etc.). Considering all these facts of the Bible and Christian belief, how in the world people like Einstein, Newton, Bertrand Russell, Spinoza, Carl Marx, Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, and the scientists of NAS and NASA can believe in such a religion! Does it make any sense at all! That's why Muslims do not wonder when they see educated, intelligent, and rational minded Christians leaving Christianity, and at the same time western Churches are being emptied day by day! S.M. Raihan

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।