Rajarhat Health and Education Development Society
It is looming catastrophe of penury and rights abuse extravagantly happened by tyrannies, trespassing and extortion of affluent section, demagogues and the like that significantly jeopardize rights and livelihoods of the resource poor. Women of the section are always being the victims of such awful malaise causing economic fragility is subsequently making socio-economy bleak. Dearth of awareness and opportunities are resulting in injustice and discriminations that makes livelihoods complete fiasco. Violence is the common place against the women and children lying at the discrimination of rights, race and resources, as they are almost naiveté that they couldn’t realize gender, rights and empowerment. Service institutions are not so instrumental creating progressive elimination in favor of the poor as social institutions are often evading so. Reducing such frivolous malaise, an attempt is certainly an exigency of the moment; an initiative is much indispensable to get them aware of. And a platform is sought after patronizing them for taking an unequivocal stand on point of their rights and poverty-cut. Contemplating such endeavors circumspectly, some devoted social activists, with their fervid effort, intend to institutionalize them to escape the blues of the society through providing a very meaningful support. And thus the 2001 saw the birth of an organization in name of Rajarhat Sannchoy O Reendan Bohumukhi Samabay Samity Limited at Mekurtary of Rajarhat Upazila in Kurigram district in Bangladesh with the acronym of RHEDS.
In legal status Rajarhat Health and Education Development Society (RHEDS) has been registered from District Cooperative Department, Kurigram in Bangladesh vide Registration No 03 on 16 September 2001 in name of Rajarhat Sannchoy O Reendan Bohumukhi Samabay Samity Limited and afterward the name of this entity is termed at Rajarhat Health and Education Development Society on 25th March 2007. It has also been registered from Joint Stock Companies and Firms and Social Welfare Department vide registration No S-6680(925)/07 and Kuri/607/2007 respectively.
Rajarhat Health and Education Development Society views of how it would like the world to be as its Vision is to seek the gender equity based environment where rights based opportunities are in place by bringing about a change of social development paradigm for reducing discriminations of rights, race and resources. Its existence, its fundamental purpose, as its Mission is to mobilize resources and social capitals with designing pragmatic strategies to solve demand driven issues through promoting positive changes for an equitable environment that will help create people's access to rights based resources and services. The best option to guide its use of resources, the Strategy is to generate development benefits by strengthening people’s needs, developing people’s institutions and building institutional capacity to self-lead and self-promote rights and opportunities.
Contemplating its view, its reason and the best guiding options, Rajarhat Health and Education Development Society has the set Objectives majored in the followings:
Institution development and capacity building.
Promotion of women and child rights with legal aid support and employability creation.
Awareness development about self-respect and self-confidence to make them fit for desired changes through motivation, education and training.
Technology development and conduction of learning and exchange, research and dissemination around functional needs and entitlements and knowledge management.
Environmental health through environment friendly sustainable agriculture and agro-forestry practices, health and sanitation, prevention and control of prevalent diseases.
Response for distressed people caused by natural calamities.
Developing adolescents and disabled in the resource poor communities.
In target audience, poor and disadvantaged women, men, children, adolescent and disabled people of rural communities in the working areas of Rajarhat Upazila in Kurigram district. In the approach, RHEDS succeeds by identifying itself closely with the client and involving itself day to day in clients' operation. It has learned through long experience that cultural differences are real and must be understood thoroughly if the changes that the clients and the organization want to see are to be achieved.
RHEDS has two-tier management organ – 45-member General Committee (GC) with the responsibilities of formulating Executive Committee and providing donation to create organizational fund. GC plans strategically organizational resources with providing strategic direction. It also monitors activities, objectives and organizational strategies to meet organizational goals. GC, alongside, develops organizational policies and approves financial statement yearly for developing organizational policies, transparency and effectiveness in program delivery.
The Executive Committee (EC) composed of seven members is accountable to general committee for its all activities. Executive Director is accountable to the EC and is responsible for carrying in to execute activities, achievements and outcomes.
RHEDS believes, as its value, that only the development of grass root level people can carry out the total development of nations by delivering idea in each other and continuous process. It offers dynamic opportunities to create real value. On assignment, there are opportunities for the delivering value and such ideas through the network.
RHEDS has the expertise in programming, training, research, networking, management, advocacy, communication and documentation. It has an effective network, linkage and collaboration, as its contacts, with different NGOs, autonomous institutions, international agencies, formal and non-formal institutions, and government counterparts countrywide. Of the programs, RHEDS adroitly operates a community library at College Road, Rajarhat, Kurigram where an immense number of readers from national and international NGOs, teachers, students, community elite and community stakeholders. The library is being utilized by the wider range of readers for their knowledge management. The library is a civic platform of different stakeholders at Rajarhat Upazila in Kurigram district where the stakeholders are getting opportunities for sharing their skills, ideas and information to be induced in to the field of community development an social mobilization mainstreaming the development, rights and poverty-cut.
Another programs are institution development and capacity building, awareness and skills development, education, Rural IGA and entrepreneurship development, agriculture, health and sanitation, advocacy, gender development, rights and good governance within the ties with civil society, Government department, international agencies, social elite, extension of networking, field level workforce, community participation, local governance / local electoral bodies.
Contact Address
Rajarhat Health and Education Development Society (RHEDS)
Vill: Mekurtari, Post: Rajarhat, Upazila: Rajarhat, District: Kurigram, Bangladesh.
Cell phone: +88-017-1686-1882
অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।