আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


Apple Sees Increase in Feline Consumers

When the iPhone 5S was announced, Apple boasted a new state-of-the-art security feature: the Touch ID fingerprint scanner. Within days, customers discovered that other body parts — including lips and nipples — could be used to unlock the iPhone's home screen.
More importantly, though, the Touch ID system isn't just limited to humans — even cats can program their paws into the phone.
See also: Little Girl Finds Security Flaw in iPhone 5S Fingerprint Scanner
In this comic, artist Pablo Stanley illustrates what (probably) happened when the feline community got wind of Apple's cat-friendly phone feature.

In other news, there's been a drastic increase in dogs selling their Apple products, and purchasing Android phones.
BONUS: 8 Animals That Are Too Smart For Their Own Good
Comic illustration courtesy of Pablo Stanley. Published with permission; all rights reserved.

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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