আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


Nuna Pepp Is a Compact and Lightweight Stroller for Urban Parents

The Nuna Pepp is sure to make you wonder why Americans need to have everything so big.
The European stroller, which only recently debuted in the United States, is compact and incredibly light, weighing in at just 19 pounds. Despite its smaller size, the stroller still has a shade, storage basket and five-point harness.
We had a chance to test drive the Pepp stroller, and found it to be snappy, compact and very chic. Assembly was a breeze, and it folds incredibly flat for easy storage.
The compactness of the stroller is probably its best feature; place it side-by-side with a typical American stroller, and you’ll definitely see the difference.
See also: Crash Test Mom: Origami Stroller Is Like a Luxury Car
The Pepp is also made for one-hand navigation, so no more coffee-stained shirts while pushing your baby. The five-point harness, however, is something to get used to. Because it requires so many clicks into and out of place, prepare for a greater struggle with your writhing little one. What's more, the basket underneath is reminiscent of typical European car trunks — very small without much room for storage.
The Nuna Pepp retails for about $300, so it isn't the cheapest stroller on the market, but urban dwellers will appreciate what it has to offer.
Read more Crash Test Mom gadget reviews on Mashable
Image: YouTube, Crash Test Mom
Natali is a technology reporter and host/editor-in-chief of Crash Test Mom, a parenting product review show. She is a regular contributor to CNBC and The TODAY Show, as well as an MBA student at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business. She is ...More

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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